SOUTHWEST HARBOR — Learn from award-winning and internationally renowned wildlife artist Barry van Dusen in a workshop focusing on the use of washes and color at the Wendell Gilley Museum
Master wildlife artist shares techniques
T HARBOR – The Wendell Gilley Museum is offering two online workshops with master wildlife artist Barry van Dusen in May and June.
First up is “Drawing and Sketching Birds” on Saturday, May 22, from 10 a.m. to noon. This program will explore methods for drawing birds in both studio and field. Van Dusen will discuss the value of keeping a field sketchbook, along with the techniques, challenges and opportunities involved with drawing wild birds outdoors. This will be followed by a real-time, follow-along drawing demonstration in which the artist shares insights on bird anatomy and structure, tips for drawing various parts of the bird, and a start-to-finish drawing of a Carolina Wren, offering a detailed sequence of steps. This program is aimed at beginner artists and art appreciators.
Gilley celebrates anniversary with monthly speaker series
SOUTHWEST HARBOR This year, in honor of the Wendell Gilley Museum’s 40th anniversary, the museum is launching a monthly speaker series that will bring artists, writers, carvers and creative types of all kinds to the Gilley to share how nature impacts their art and their approach to making it, and how their art affects their approach to the natural world.
First up is wildlife artist Barry van Dusen. Van Dusen is an internationally respected and award-winning wildlife artist who was one of two artists to provide illustrations for the 2020 book “Birds of Maine,” the first comprehensive overview of Maine’s avian inhabitants in more than seven decades. For another book published in 2020, “Finding Sanctuary: An Artist Explores the Nature of Mass Audubon,” he provided all the text as well as the illustrations, based on his visits to all 60 Mass Audubon sites over