Train passenger numbers and season ticket use rise between October and December 2020 By Louise Glen Published: 10:42, 11 March 2021
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Rail passenger numbers increase.
A total of 140 million rail journeys were made in Great Britain in October, November and December 2020 and season ticket usage by passengers increased to 23 per cent of pre-Covid levels, according to official statistics by the Office of Rail and Road (ORR).
The independent rail regulatorâs Passenger Rail Usage statistics showed 140 million journeys were made in the third quarter of 2020-21, equating to around 30 per cent of the 463 million journeys made in 2019-20 Q3.
He gave me some of his homemade sausages a few a couple of months back and I took them home and diligently cooked up sausage and mash and I have to say they were top notch They were great they were absolutely super listen if I think you appreciate it good to talk to this morning our 87312000 then if you are just joining me we re talking about the delays to Crossrail your reaction to that and why it is we struggle to build things in this country on time anymore or was it always thus I mean which is certainly highlights actually we quickly forget that with that once a project is delivered be a year to 510 years later we forget about that delays so actually it s just because we re in the thick of it with cross around elative feels like a complete mess but actually once it s delivered once it s up and running and it s safe and we know it s safe then which is the point of these delays then then we ll forget about it see Crossrail have said there are 4 major tasks that still to be completed
Cans and cups is the environment secretary Michael Gove it s only through separate food waste collection that we can ensure that we actually use that material in a way which is environmentally sensitive whether that s through anaerobic gesturing or other means rather than having the situation that we have at the moment where we contribute to environmental degradation Rowland thinking in a truly sustainable way about how we deal with this problem all the proposals have been cautiously welcomed by Green campaigners but some business groups are wary Emma Priestland is from friends of the earth it s really about time that we had food waste collection across the country you know this is fantastic this finally getting that this is something that is just basic measure to reduce the amount of waste it s created the proposals will be put out for consultation in the New Year Labor says if it wins power it would provide every rough sleeper with a place to shelter whenever the temperature falls b
Leader of Buckinghamshire County Council Martin tete is also the environment spokesman for the Local Government Association says there are some good ideas in the plan food waste is important because when you dispose of it you have to treat it separately from things like green waste but I think the idea of actually collecting more food separately and actually getting it properly treated is really good because that does cut down on methane emissions and it s something we d like to work with government on a couple who named their baby after adult Hitler have been jailed for belonging to the band neo nazi group National Action Adam Thomas and Claudia POTUS were pictured cradling their son in front in front of a swastika flag the judge said the photographs were disturbing. Fixed fee for an arranged overdraft to be banned under a form of proposed by the Financial Regulator the plans have been broadly welcomed but that charities so didn t go far enough is Simon Gompertz overdraft charges pro