Daniel Owusu-Koranteng, President, Ghana National Association of ADR Practitioners
Mr Daniel Owusu-Koranteng, President, Ghana National Association of ADR Practitioners (GNAAP), has called on Government to establish the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Centre as provided in section 114 of the ADR Act, 2010 (ACT 798).
This, Mr Owusu-Koranteng said would enable such a Centre perform the functions that are provided in the ADR Act for the promotion of ADR Practice in Ghana.
The ACT provides for the settlement of disputes by arbitration, mediation and customary arbitration, to establish an Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre and to provide for related matters.
He noted that provision had not being made in the ADR ACT, 2010 (ACT 798) for representation of ADR professionals on the Governing Board of the ADR Centre.]
Daniel Owusu-Koranteng, President, Ghana National Association of ADR Practitioners
Mr Daniel Owusu-Koranteng, President, Ghana National Association of ADR Practitioners (GNAAP), has called on Government to establish the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Centre as provided in section 114 of the ADR Act, 2010 (ACT 798).
This, Mr Owusu-Koranteng said would enable such a Centre perform the functions that are provided in the ADR Act for the promotion of ADR Practice in Ghana.
The ACT provides for the settlement of disputes by arbitration, mediation and customary arbitration, to establish an Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre and to provide for related matters.
He noted that provision had not being made in the ADR ACT, 2010 (ACT 798) for representation of ADR professionals on the Governing Board of the ADR Centre.]