New London – The city’s housing authority has not had control of a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program in almost a decade.
In 2013, the City of New London’s Housing Authority lost the ability to.
Mark Hayden collects clumps of mold the size of ping pong balls and said he lines them along the rim of his bathroom sink. He keeps them as “evidence of abuse” by the management of Williams Park Apa.
New London City officials and members of the New London Housing Authority went back and forth for decades about what to do with the Thames River Apartments.
In the 1990s, some were in favor of dem. 4xcbU00
New London The city lost 124 housing units for low-income families after the closure and demolition of the federally subsidized Thames River Apartments, .
New London When Nakiesha Moore was born on May 1, 1988, the home address on her birth certificate said 48 Crystal Ave., the address for the A Building at the Thames River Apartments.
Her family mov.