After reviewing immunization data, the Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU) found a large drop in coverage for some vaccines. This has prompted health officials to create an enforcement campaign in order to get thousands of students up-to-date with their mandatory vaccinations.
After two years of COVID-related cancellations, organizers of a cross-country running meet for pupils in the region’s Catholic school board had hoped for a…
Multiple schools in London were closed Tuesday morning after what St. Thomas police and London police describe as a bomb threat. According to London police, they were notified around 2 a.m. that a threat was received via email, referencing a school in the west end of the city.
Multiple schools in London were closed Tuesday morning after what St. Thomas police and London police describe as a bomb threat. According to London police, they were notified around 2 a.m. that a threat was received via email, referencing a school in the west end of the city.