Transense Technologies plc (LON:TRT – Get Rating)’s share price passed below its two hundred day moving average during trading on Wednesday . The stock has a two hundred day moving average of GBX 87.15 ($1.08) and traded as low as GBX 86 ($1.06). Transense Technologies shares last traded at GBX 86.50 ($1.07), with a volume […]
17 February 2021 | 09:41am - Specialist sensor system developer Transense Technologies swung to a modest first-half profit after it its boosted sales.
Net profit for the six months through December amounted to £0.05 million, compared to a year-on-year loss of £1.19 million.
Revenues from continuing operations climbed to £0.90 million, up from £0.28 million. These results reflect the transformational change in the business since the transactions completed last June, moving iTrack from an operational business into a licence model last June, executive chairman Nigel Rogers said. We have every confidence that iTrack will continue to achieve increased market penetration, and deliver royalty income at or above our current expectations.