A year after becoming the University of Arkansas at Monticello's first Forester for the Future Scholarship winner, Shylee Head has shown that she can take the heat.
A year after becoming the University of Arkansas at Monticello s first Forester for the Future Scholarship winner, Shylee Head has shown that she can take the heat.
Kingwood Forestry Services is again giving back to the University of Arkansas at Monticello, establishing a $30,000 endowment to help UAM graduate students with their forestry studies.
The University of Arkansas at Monticello has replanted its 82-acre harvested area of university-owned forest next to the Drew County Fairgrounds. A crew of 10 planted 36,000 seedlings in less than two days. Forest Manager Bobby Webb said the last time trees were hand-planted on the UAM forest was in 2011.