Shares of Stagecoach Group plc (LON:SGC – Get Rating) hit a new 52-week high on Monday . The stock traded as high as GBX 109 ($1.32) and last traded at GBX 105.90 ($1.29), with a volume of 74036 shares traded. The stock had previously closed at GBX 104.70 ($1.27). Separately, Liberum Capital downgraded Stagecoach Group […]
Stagecoach Group plc (LON:SGC – Get Rating)’s stock price passed above its 200-day moving average during trading on Monday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of GBX 85.26 ($1.12) and traded as high as GBX 106.10 ($1.39). Stagecoach Group shares last traded at GBX 105 ($1.38), with a volume of 1,355,602 shares trading […]
Liberum Capital cut shares of Stagecoach Group (LON:SGC – Get Rating) to a hold rating in a research report released on Thursday, Marketbeat reports. Liberum Capital currently has GBX 105 ($1.38) target price on the stock, down from their prior target price of GBX 131 ($1.72). Separately, Peel Hunt reissued a buy rating and issued […]
As FTSE 250 hits new highs, small and mid caps still offer value for stock pickers
UBS added Stagecoach Group to its Smid conviction list, while fund manager Richard Penny suggested some “stealth compounders” under the radar of mainstream investors Stock picking is key
London’s mid-cap stock index, the FTSE 250, have this month pushed on to another all-time high having stumbled lower after blasting through the previous ceiling around 22,000 in April.
While many worry about inflation and other market watchers angst about share valuations that in many places look stretched, there remain many pockets of value on the stock market, of which UK and European small caps and the mid-caps that are found on the FTSE 250 remain two sources.