Shore Capital reiterated their house stock rating on shares of SDX Energy (LON:SDX – Get Rating) in a research note released on Monday morning, Marketbeat Ratings reports. SDX Energy Price Performance Shares of SDX stock opened at GBX 5.50 ($0.07) on Monday. The firm has a market cap of £11.25 million, a P/E ratio of […]
SDX Energy (LON:SDX – Get Rating)‘s stock had its “house stock” rating reissued by Shore Capital in a research note issued to investors on Friday, reports. SDX Energy Price Performance SDX Energy stock opened at GBX 5.40 ($0.07) on Friday. SDX Energy has a 52-week low of GBX 5.10 ($0.06) and a 52-week high […]
4 May 2021 | 07:51am - Oil company SDX Energy said it had commenced the first, three well, phase of its 2021 drilling campaign in Morocco.
The drilling campaign would comprise up to five wells over the year.
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