Marks and Spencer Group plc (LON:MKS – Get Rating) has been given a consensus recommendation of “Buy” by the nine brokerages that are covering the stock, MarketBeat reports. Three analysts have rated the stock with a hold recommendation and five have issued a buy recommendation on the company. The average 12 month price objective among […]
Marks and Spencer Group (LON:MKS – Get Rating)‘s stock had its “house stock” rating reissued by equities researchers at Shore Capital in a research note issued on Tuesday, Marketbeat reports. A number of other research analysts have also weighed in on MKS. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft reissued a “buy” rating and set a GBX 260 ($3.41) […]
Shore Capital reissued their house stock rating on shares of Marks and Spencer Group (LON:MKS – Get Rating) in a research note issued to investors on Friday, reports. Several other research firms also recently weighed in on MKS. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft reissued a buy rating and issued a GBX 260 ($3.41) target price on […]
Royal Bank of Canada reaffirmed their sector perform rating on shares of Marks and Spencer Group (LON:MKS – Get Rating) in a research report released on Thursday, MarketBeat Ratings reports. They currently have a GBX 200 ($2.63) target price on the retailer’s stock. Other analysts have also recently issued research reports about the stock. Deutsche […]
Shore Capital reaffirmed their house stock rating on shares of Marks and Spencer Group (LON:MKS – Get Rating) in a research report report published on Friday morning, Analyst Price Targets reports. Several other equities analysts have also recently weighed in on MKS. JPMorgan Chase & Co. reiterated a neutral rating and set a GBX 205 […]