Diageo (LON: DGE) recently received a number of ratings updates from brokerages and research firms: 6/1/2022 – Diageo had its “underperform” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Royal Bank of Canada. They now have a GBX 2,800 ($35.43) price target on the stock. 5/27/2022 – Diageo was given a new GBX 3,850 ($48.71) price target on […]
Credit Suisse Group set a GBX 4,700 ($61.64) price target on Diageo (LON:DGE – Get Rating) in a report published on Wednesday morning, Borsen Zeitung reports. A number of other research analysts have also issued reports on DGE. Morgan Stanley reaffirmed an overweight rating on shares of Diageo in a report on Wednesday, March 9th. […]
Bank of America set a GBX 4,600 ($60.33) target price on Diageo (LON:DGE – Get Rating) in a research note issued to investors on Friday, Marketbeat.com reports. Several other equities analysts have also recently issued reports on DGE. Jefferies Financial Group set a GBX 4,400 ($57.70) target price on shares of Diageo in a research […]
Diageo (LON:DGE – Get Rating)‘s stock had its “underperform” rating reiterated by analysts at Royal Bank of Canada in a note issued to investors on Friday, Marketbeat Ratings reports. They currently have a GBX 2,800 ($36.68) price objective on the stock. Royal Bank of Canada’s price objective suggests a potential downside of 27.42% from the […]
Diageo (LON: DGE) recently received a number of ratings updates from brokerages and research firms: 3/23/2022 – Diageo was given a new GBX 4,100 ($53.98) price target on by analysts at Jefferies Financial Group Inc.. 3/17/2022 – Diageo was given a new GBX 2,800 ($36.86) price target on by analysts at Royal Bank of Canada. […]