Shares of Countryside Partnerships PLC (LON:CSP – Get Rating) have been given a consensus rating of “Buy” by the nine research firms that are currently covering the firm, reports. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell recommendation, two have given a hold recommendation and six have assigned a buy recommendation […]
Countryside Partnerships (LON:CSP – Get Rating) had its price target reduced by stock analysts at JPMorgan Chase & Co. from GBX 250 ($3.08) to GBX 240 ($2.96) in a report issued on Friday, Marketbeat Ratings reports. The brokerage currently has an “underweight” rating on the stock. JPMorgan Chase & Co.‘s price objective indicates a potential […]
Shares of Countryside Partnerships PLC (LON:CSP – Get Rating) have been assigned an average recommendation of “Buy” from the nine analysts that are currently covering the stock, MarketBeat Ratings reports. One investment analyst has rated the stock with a sell recommendation, two have given a hold recommendation and six have assigned a buy recommendation to […]
Countryside Partnerships (LON:CSP – Get Rating) had its price target lowered by JPMorgan Chase & Co. from GBX 280 ($3.65) to GBX 250 ($3.26) in a research report report published on Friday, reports. JPMorgan Chase & Co. currently has an underweight rating on the stock. Several other research analysts have also weighed in on […]
13 May 2021 | 08:00am - Home builder Countryside reported a fall in profit as rising costs offset a jump in the revenue amid an ongoing increase in house prices.
For the six months ended 31 March 2021, pre-tax profit fell to £38.8 million from £43.7 million year-on-year, while adjusted revenue increased to £661.0 million from £481.2 million.
Completions were up 14%, driven by a strong increase in private delivery as we completed on homes deferred as a result of Covid-19 from the prior year, the company said.
Private average selling price increased 6% to £389,000.
Looking ahead, the company said the net reservation rate for the last six weeks had been strong at 0.82, with over 90% forward sold across all tenures for the year.