The savage, dark thriller tears along at breakneck speed with double and triple crosses galore.
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The savage, dark thriller tears along at breakneck speed with double and triple crosses galore.
The full stop at the end of
I Care a Lot., suggests there is nothing more to say on the topic. One can almost hear Rosamund Pike as Marla Grayson ferociously using the full stop to quell any timid questions from weak-minded people. We first meet Marla in a blood-red dress with a sleek helmet of blond hair gently yet firmly showing a worried Feldstrom (Macon Blair) the error of his ways.
Marla Grayson (Rosamund Pike), who is at the center of the slick, darkly comic caper flick, I Care A Lot is one shady lady. She comes off as caring, but watch out! she is crafty. Marla may be a court-appointed legal guardian for the elderly, but she swindles her wards out of their homes and income. She even has a discreet network of accomplices who assist her.
Just watching Marla exhale smoke from vaping suggests she is the devil incarnate, and Pike embraces her devious character with the same ruthlessness as she embraced her Oscar-nominated role in Gone Girl. Marla even says in the film s opening voiceover, Playing fair is a joke invented by rich people to keep the rest of us poor. She is a self-proclaimed lioness not a lamb. She schemes because she has been poor and knows that being rich is better.