“Gruesome Playground Injuries,” produced by The Jewish Theatre Ensemble, follows a 30-year friendship wrought with grief, arguments, mental illness, physical injuries and growing pains. Friends Kayleen and Doug, played by Communication junior Lola Bodé and Communication senior Carter Popkin, are opposites brought together by their injuries –– both emotional and physical. Despite their ups and downs,.
Northwestern alum Sofya Levitsky-Weitz’s (MFA in Writing for the Stage and Screen ‘15) original play “Be Mean to Me” will present five shows at the Wirtz Center for the Performing Arts this weekend. “Be Mean to Me” follows characters Meril and Jean as they grow up from 17 to 27 years old. The story explores.
Emotional whiplash and utter honesty is what TBD, a Neo-Futurist-inspired performance group, promises its audience. Since 2015, TBD has held a quarterly mainstage show along with occasional special events like open mics or speed dating games. Each show boasts a series of short plays written by the performers. The twist? The plays are performed in.