Dont do me that he was into them dont tell me that those he never showed. And the torture come off and i want to. Reveal the sins of your highness. The roms code starts october 11th on t w hard enough. Forests are so much more than just a collection of trees they are the lungs of our planet they remove c o 2 from the atmosphere and produce the oxygen we breeze they also written
biodiversity a vast range of plants and animals live in the forest habitats in fact 80 percent of the worlds terrestrial species inhabit them since time immemorial they also have provided us with animals to hunt for to eat and wood to burn and build but now the worlds forests are under massive pressure from Logging Agriculture and pollution thats our topic today on made the forest lets start in germany where foresters face problems ranging from erosion to drought to storms and flooding and insect pests around the country water tables are falling and the Forestry Business in some places is on the ropes changing c
biodiversity a vast range of plants and animals live in the forest habitats in fact 80 percent of the world s terrestrial species inhabit them since time immemorial they also have provided us with animals to hunt for to eat and wood to burn and build but now the world s forests are under massive pressure from logging agriculture and pollution that s our topic today on made the forest let s start in germany where foresters face problems ranging from erosion to drought to storms and flooding and insect pests around the country water tables are falling and the forestry business in some places is on the ropes changing conditions are proving a major challenge for many small companies who live off the forest. martin haselbach is a forester who tends to 140 hectares of woods in northeastern germany mostly