A Loggieville woman wants signs posted by trappers near their lines after losing her dog to one.
Amanda Comeau tells the Leader she and her rescue dog Sadie were out for a nature walk on a trail near her home and the Loggieville Lagoon when Sadie got her head stuck in a bucket-type trap and suffocated. Comeau feels more should be done by trappers to warn people when there are traps in an area.
Posting such warnings are recomended but not required under the law.
Johnathon Cormier in the Natural Resources Department says the problem with posting signs is that another trapper, or people who are opposed to trapping, could come along and trip or steal the traps. Cormier also says it’s up to trappers to do it ethically and responsibly. If they know people are walking on trails, then traps should be set well away from the trail so pets don’t get caught.