Macrotech Developers shares are up 56.35 per cent in the last six months and 103.97 per cent for the last one-year period. Lodha said its pre-sales at Rs 3,410 crore was its best ever December quarter performance.
Real estate company Lodha, also known as Macrotech Developers, has reported its highest-ever quarterly pre-sales of Rs 3,534 crores for the September quarter. The company reduced its net debt by Rs 535 crores during the quarter and recorded collections of Rs 2,752 crores, a 16% increase from the previous year.
Macrotech Developers: For the quarter, collections came in at Rs 2,750 crore. The developer added two new projects totalling 1.2 million square feet of saleable area and Rs 2300 crore gross development value (GDV).
Macrotech Developers said its board has approved and finalised the confirmation of allocation note to be sent to the eligible qualified institutional buyers, intimating them of transfer of shares pursuant to the offer