Aspen Elks Lodge #224 presented awards to members of the community at a dinner held at the lodge May 11.
Ann Mullins received the Citizen of the Year award for her volunteer work with Aspen Family Connections. The nonprofit group set up a weekly drive-through food distribution program at numerous locations in Aspen during the pandemic to help needy families.
Rick Head, PER and trustee, Aspen Elks; Mark Murphy, PER, Aspen Elks and recipient of a Grand Lodge Outstanding Service Commendation; Diane Spicer, exalted ruler, Aspen Elks; Barry Bromka, recipient of the Elk of the Year award; Ann Mullins, recipient of the Citizen of the Year award; and Tom Moore, recipient of the Grand Lodge Outstanding Service Commendation. (Michael Faas/Special to the Aspen Times)