The old abandoned farm remains still sit in the woods for all to see. If not for missing a trip on the Titanic, it may never have happened. Here are details and photos of Michigan's Loda Lake Wildflower Sanctuary.
7 fresh ways to explore Michigan’s great outdoors this spring
Updated 8:00 AM;
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If hope were a season, it would be spring. Every sign of its return feels like optimism embodied: Birdsong and bicycle bells, budding trees, the soul-stirring scent of rain.
This spring, that sense of promise feels especially potent and necessary. Just as a crocus pushes up from underground after a hard, long winter, many of us are stepping into this new season after an isolated and challenging year. We have mixed emotions, no doubt, but Mother Nature continues to offer her good medicine: beauty, wonder, proof that life goes on. Fresh air and sunshine, too as essential to our own thriving as they are to the ever-greening world.