women. questions tonight if donald trump and his campaign can recover from this. the candidate caught on tape describing and endorsing forcibly kissing women and grabbing them by their genitalia. trump did offer a written apology saying what we all heard was, quote, locker room banter. people weren t buying, it including then house speaker paul ryan. remember ryan was supposed to have an event with the president the next day. ryan quickly called reince priebus to tell him that wasn t happening. he didn t want to be on the same stage as trump, and shortly after ryan put out a public statement saying he was sickened by what he heard. at the same time several republicans publicly started to abandon trump. remember this was all unfolding in realtime. congressman jason chafetz even called into this show to say that he would no longer support his own presidential nominee. these are abhorrent. they are wrong.
of donald trump engaging in a very vulgar conversation about women. questions tonight if donald trump and his campaign can recover from this. the candidate caught on tape describing and endorsing forcibly kissing women and grabbing them by their genitalia. trump did offer a written apology saying what we all heard was, quote, locker room banter. people weren t buying, it including then house speaker paul ryan. remember ryan was supposed to have an event with the president the next day. ryan quickly called reince priebus to tell him that wasn t happening. he didn t want to be on the same stage as trump, and shortly after ryan put out a public statement saying he was sickened by what he heard. at the same time several republicans publicly started to abandon trump. remember this was all unfolding in realtime. congressman jason chaffetz even called into this show to say that he would no longer support his own presidential nominee. these are abhorrent. they are wrong. to use a basebal
was harmless locker room banter. trump has his own history of accusations. at least 15 women have come forward with a wide range of accusations against trump ranging from sexual harassment and sexual assault to lewd behavior. one of the accusers is jessica leads. thee sat next to trump on a flight around 1980. here s how she described to anderson cooper. he was grabbing my breasts and trying to turn me towards him and kissing me and then after a bit, that s when his hands started going i was wearing a skirt. and his hand started going towards my knee and up my skirt. unlike trump who has managed to avoid any consequences despite being accused by at least 15 women, bruce alexander is in federal custody tonight facing a sexual assault charge. i m going to bringing in now sara nelson, international president of the international association of flight attendants. i appreciate you joining us here. happy to be here. what went through your mind
his defense? well, bruce alexander told authorities this. he said the president of the united states says it s okay to grab women by their private parts. yep. heard that right. he tried to defend what he s accused of doing by telling agents trump says it s okay. so why would he invoke donald trump? oh, right. when you re a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. whatever you want. grab them by the pussy. you can do anything. so much for trump s excuse that the access lillard tape was harmless locker room banter. trump has his own history of accusations. at least 15 women have come forward with a wide range of accusations against trump ranging from sexual harassment and sexual assault to lewd behavior. one of the accusers is jessica leads. thee sat next to trump on a flight around 1980. here s how she described to
tolerance for that. listen, and you an should applaud the folks doing that. you said that you talked about the types of incidents that happened on airplanes. but i mean, have you noticed these types of incidents and other aggressive behavior happening more often on flights eithering to passengers or to flight attendants? when there is a culture of sexual misconduct it happens. because people think it s okay. when you have the highest authority in the land leaving us hanging there with that access hollywood tape with the other accusations not just laughing it off or saying na it s something that happened in the past or thinking that it didn t happen. or it s locker room banter not two sides to the story. the only thing that should be said from the highest authority in this land is that it should never happen. let me read your statement because i think it s important. it goes into what you re saying now. you released a statement on behalf of the association of