you truly have. the gang leaders had those kinds of articles. we took that away and put inmates in correctional industry blue pants and blue shirts and t-shirts and made everybody look the same. when you make everyone look the same, it takes away that status. how you doing, guys? how are you? the reforms didn t happen overnight. but they did happen. the administration held the key card. if the inmates didn t toe the line, if there was any sign of trouble, the entire prison went under lockdown, a condition where prisoners don t leave their cells, period, except for medical attention or a parole hearing. lockdowns are a common occurrence at stateville. you go on lockdown damn near every week because something happens. you re in here with a bunch of murderers, rapists. something happens, you go to the yard, somebody is fighting, they lock us down. you go to the chow house, somebody is fighting, they lock us down. it s changed from the way it used to be.
that s a status symbol inside of a prison as to how much power you truly have. the gang leaders had those kinds of articles. we took that away and put inmates in correctional industry blue pants and blue shirts and t-shirts and made everybody look the same. when you make everyone look the same, it takes away that status. how you doing, guys? how are you? the reforms didn t happen overnight. but they did happen. the administration held the key card. if the inmates didn t toe the line, if there was any sign of trouble, the entire prison went under lockdown, a condition where prisoners don t leave their cells, period, except for medical attention or a parole hearing. lockdowns are a common occurrence at stateville. you go on lockdown damn near every week because something happens. you re in here with a bunch of murderers, rapists. something happens, you go to the yard, somebody is fighting, they lock us down. you go to the chow house,
that s a status symbol inside of a prison as to how much power you truly have. the gang leaders had those kinds of articles. we took that away and put inmates in correctional industry blue pants and t-shirts and made everybody look the same. when you make everyone look the same, it takes away that status. the reforms didn t happen overnight. but they did happen. the administration held the key card. if the inmates didn t toe the line, if there was any sign of trouble, the entire prison went under lockdown, a condition where prisoners don t leave their cells, period, except for medical attention or a parole hearing. lockdowns are a common occurrence at stateville. you go on lockdown damn near every week because something happens. you re in here with a bunch of murderers, rapists. something happens, you go to the yard, somebody is fighting, they lock us down. you go to the chow house, somebody is fighting, they lock us down.
of articles. we took that away and put inmates in correctional industry blue pants and t-shirts and made everybody look the same. when you make everyone look the same, it takes away that status. the reforms didn t happen overnight. but they did happen. the administration held the key card. if the inmates didn t toe the line, if there was any sign of trouble, the entire prison went under lockdown, a condition where prisoners don t leave their cells, period, except for medical attention or a parole hearing. lockdowns are a common occurrence at stateville. you go on lockdown damn near every week because something happens. you re in here with a bunch of murderers, rapists. something happens, you go to the yard, somebody is fighting, they lock us down. you go to the chow house, somebody is fighting, they lock us down. it s changed from the way it used to be. people getting killed, getting
you truly have. the gang leaders had those kinds of articles. we took that away and put inmates in correctional industry blue pants and t-shirts and made everybody look the same. when you make everyone look the same, it takes away that status. the reforms didn t happen overnight. but they did happen. the administration held the key card. if the inmates didn t toe the line, if there was any sign of trouble, the entire prison went under lockdown, a condition where prisoners don t leave their cells, period, except for medical attention or a parole hearing. lockdowns are a common occurrence at stateville. you go on lockdown damn near every week because something happens. you re in here with a bunch of murderers, rapists. something happens, you go to the yard, somebody is fighting, they lock us down. you go to the chow house,