happened. he was sitting in the sixth row. he saw the captain leave the cockpit and then try to break into the bathroom. there was someone in there. he said the pilot was knocking on the bathroom door. then the flight attendants start started to pay attention there was a bit of commotion. the steward got on the phone and was talking to someone in the cockpit. then they changed the codes on the door. he overheard part of that conversati conversation. then they tried to take the captain to the back of the plane. he broke free and went to the front of the plane, banging on the door, threatening to blow up the plane. he started to asking for the security code. remember, cockpit doors are locked post 9/11. some pilots fly armed. but this gentleman was clearly trying to get into the cockpit according to the account of this passenger onboard. jet blue said there was a medical situation with the captain and another captain onboard was able to step into the cockpit and assist the firs