The 18-year-old vanished, from Bracknell, Berkshire, after leaving Atik nightclub in nearby Windsor at around 2am on Sunday morning. A 21-year-old man has been charged with stalking.
The incident and arrests are not linked to any previous incidents in Reading. While this Section 60 order was in place, officers carried out 15 searches. As a result, a 15-year-old boy from Slough was arrested last night on suspicion of being in possession of a bladed article and remains in custody.
Map of Langley displaying Section 60 boundaries Deputy Local Policing Area Commander for Slough, Chief Inspector Lee Barnham, said: “The Section 60 order that has been in place since Tuesday has now been lifted. “Thank you to the local community for their co-operation whilst this was in place and I hope that the high visibility police patrols have provided some reassurance to you.
Supt Gavin Wong The police and Slough Borough Council are working together to ensure that Covid lockdown rules are obeyed - as infections remains high at slightly over one in every 100 people in the borough. Superintendent Gavin Wong, who is Local Policing Area Commander for Slough, said: “It is clear that the Coronavirus infection rate remains high. “My officers in Slough continue to work hard to protect the public and we will be carrying out increased patrols. “We will continue to engage, encourage and explain the regulations as we need everyone in our communities to think of others by not gathering; only leaving your home when absolutely necessary and following the restrictions in place to help save lives.