Here's KPBS writer Andrew Bowen's take on the dangers on West Pt Loma Blvd. and its lack of safe bike paths. Bowen blames the California Coastal Commission on delaying the city's efforts to install bike paths along a dangerous section of the boulevard. He cites the bureaucratic roadblocks thrown up by the Commission for preventing…
Over the past couple of weeks, Fort Bragg's Planning Commission and City Council have pushed toward completing a general land use plan for the Georgia-Pacific mill site sometime this summer, so that transportation studies can begin and the planning effort in general stay on track, though a stated April 2021 deadline seems more and more ambitious.
Here's KPBS writer Andrew Bowen's take on the dangers on West Pt Loma Blvd. and its lack of safe bike paths. Bowen blames the California Coastal Commission on delaying the city's efforts to install bike paths along a dangerous section of the boulevard. He cites the bureaucratic roadblocks thrown up by the Commission for preventing…
One month ago, a cyclist was seriously injured in a crash on West Point Loma Boulevard. Plans for protected bike lanes there have collapsed under the weight of state and local bureaucracy.
Ceremonial/Presentations: Previously Discussed: New Items: Ordinances and Public Hearings Old Business: New Business: Council Items: To view the full City Council Agenda, visit