roman deleone. he has cerebral palsy, and uses a wheelchair. there was a surprise waiting for him in the library in arvada, lo you ready to take it off? adre reporter: a school resource officer devoted to roman decide to help roman walk. all right, go ahead. you got it. good job, buddy. reporter: there were teachers quietly watching in that library as roman begins to walk. the school resource officer capturing the video. who had the idea. hene t ohe the design came almost immediately into my head of what i wanted to do. and i went into a home improvement store and got the pvc pipe and other stuff and went home and built the contraption. reporter: roman does physical therapy. it s remarkable, how far he went on his own. all by himself.
get on a phone with a foreign leader invites him to interfere with our elections going after his opponent that alone is enough for impeachment. right? republicans tried to raise this to the standard of quid pro quo, unless he actually uses the words, it s not bad. there s all kinds of evidence there was a trade-off going on here between the united states and ukraine in which the united states was going to give the ukrainians a meeting and military aid in response for going after the bidens. three staeps baeeps bac s three staeps bateps back, lo you, sam, why is the eu ambassador even involved in this matter? the only reason sondland has a job, pompeo and potus worried what he would say. noe noeng ambassad not only ambassador to eu he wouldn t have to quartan-aid. look at this beivier. violated every rule in the book when it comes to state
the jobs from the day he took office? eric: no. consumer confidence it follows month to month. how much have wages gone up 2. 5% versus last year just this month alone. take alook from wealthiest job makers down to the lowest. the most of that middle class down to the lower cost. want to see the higher wages. that s your argument not mine. one thing i will say about you, eric, you have been here a long time i love you once. dropped me on my head. i have never quite recovered. i producted one of the first people predicted trump was going to win, i was having back surgery. i almost got up and walked. [laughter] i couldn t blea it. i lo you, brear, good to see you; toning down the restridges of gramed new class overgrowing backlash.
took office? eric: no. consumer confidence it follows month to month. how much have wages gone up 2. 5% versus last year just this month alone. take alook from wealthiest job makers down to the lowest. the most of that middle class down to the lower cost. want to see the higher wages. that s your argument not mine. one thing i will say about you, eric, you have been here a long time i love you once. dropped me on my head. i have never quite recovered. i producted one of the first people predicted trump was going to win, i was having back surgery. i almost got up and walked. [laughter] i couldn t blea it. i lo you, brear, good to see you; toning down the restridges of gramed new class overgrowing backlash.
took office? eric: no. consumer confidence it follows month to month. how much have wages gone up 2. 5% versus last year just this month alone. take alook from wealthiest job makers down to the lowest. the most of that middle class down to the lower cost. want to see the higher wages. that s your argument not mine. one thing i will say about you, eric, you have been here a long time i love you once. dropped me on my head. i have never quite recovered. i producted one of the first people predicted trump was going to win, i was having back surgery. i almost got up and walked. [laughter] i couldn t blea it. i lo you, brear, good to see you; toning down the restridges of gramed new class overgrowing backlash.