El megawatt hora es pagarà avui a una mitjana de 114 euros, amb una punta de 125 euros El govern espanyol diu que treballa per abaixar el cost del servei i reconeix que encara ho veu lluny
L economia catalana va caure un 4% en el primer trimestre. La xifra, aïllada, revela que la macroeconomia, aquesta ciència que, per cert, a vegades queda lluny de la realitat de les persones, encara.
have taken one. this is so outrage out and moron could have produced and directed this. was really just awful. you come back to the thing about incentive and all of that, yes about the sequester, for example the president said in his speech oh, my goodness the people who sweep the halls in the white house, they are going to have cut those jobs. in the meantime, you he is going to play golf with tiger woods. it s the high pock chris with everyone in the government that looks at these things and doesn t think. we only spent $60,000. that means a lot to guy that earns $8 an hour. i have to defend the irs for four seconds. they don t neighboring the rules they enforce them. it s the bone heads in congress that come up with luny tax credits, who am i going to give