and now we have the evidence. we c have the emails. and it s clear that whenove, democrats said said to move big tech said how high they jump on command. and i got to say, it s fundamentally corrupt. i believe big techt censorship is the single greatest threat to free speech in america,t thro and it s the single greatest threat to free and fair elections. and the reason it has gonecauset on so long is because it s beene in objec and the objective of thistive investigatio ofn that i launched today is to bring sunlight and transparent see and to expose what they re doing and hold them accountable. lls h letat me ask about the threet bills that you have pu t forward as a result of this chinese spying balloon being shot down.e now, we have three other otho objectideas. y weca have no idea what they are, where they came from.from there s no transparenc, there i whatsoever. but clearly there s a vulnerability. ofis asenator , if it wasn t for