william pepper says there were military intelligence officers on the roof of the fire station next door. according to him, they took one incredible photo. one of the guys, when the shot took place, took his camera and spanned it all the way around to the left into the bushes. and he caught the shooter lowering the rifle. and he said it was not james earl ray. all right? definitively. but pepper says he never saw those photos. he says he knew a guy who did, but pepper could never lay his hands on them. those bushes were in the backyard of jim s grill. jim s was a workingman s dive right below the rooming house. it was owned by the now deceased lloyd jowers. i had known lloyd. by then i had known him 20 years.
they were pressed for a conclusion, they would err on the side of it not being the gun. ray never got a new trial. william pepper turned to the king family one last time. they filed a civil case against lloyd jowers and other unknown co-conspirators. all the evidence from the beginning to the end how martin king was killed and why he was killed and who coordinated the killing came out under oath. in less than an hour, the jury ruled that lloyd jowers, not james earl ray, was involved in the murder. a verdict embraced by all those who believe the true killer has yet to be caught. next, the cia factor. he said he had dr. king s head in his lap. that s him holding him. and why prosecutors still
but farris says one of those experts privately told him something else. it was said to me that while no conclusions could be made, if they were pressed for a conclusion, they would err on the side of it not being the gun. ray never got a new trial. william pepper turned to the king family one last time. they filed a civil case against lloyd jowers and other unknown co-conspirators. all the evidence from the beginning to the end how martin king was killed and why he was killed and who coordinated the killing came out under oath. in less than an hour, the jury ruled that lloyd jowers, not james earl ray, was involved in the murder. a verdict embraced by all those who believe the true killer has yet to be caught. next, the cia factor. he said he had dr. king s head in his lap. that s him holding him.
goes to the open door. all of a sudden she sees lloyd running toward her carrying this rifle, still smoking. pepper says lloyd jowers didn t actually shoot dr. king. he helped get rid of the gun as a favor to a mafia connection who came to see him. and gave him $100,000 and said, your place is going to be needed for the killing of that nigger, king. pepper believes the mafia was in cahoots with the federal government and local police who wanted king dead. jowers told him as much. it was planned in his place, there were logistical meetings there with police officers, and he was given a role to do in terms of the gun being out there, taking the gun, eventually turning it over. to raoul. again, the mysterious raoul. james earl ray had always insisted a man named raoul, or someone else, must have left ray s belongings behind to frame him.
at the moment of the murder, there were 12 customers inside jim s grill. police came by and locked the door for three hours. they took names and questioned everyone before they left. not only did jowers tell police he saw nothing unusual, his customers said the same thing. that, to me, is the flaw in his testimony that you just can t get past because you then have to say all these other people are mistaken, and there s no basis to believe that they are. lloyd jowers told different stories to different people. first it was a black man who shot king. then later a memphis police captain, conveniently deceased. jowers did not testify in the civil case. his own lawyer put up little resistance and the jury never had a chance to hear the