La Universitat de Barcelona (UB) ha millorat enguany quinze posicions en els prestigiosos QS World University Rankings i ha passat del lloc 183 al 168 d entre 1.600 institucions del món. La segueixen.
La Covid-19 ens ha fet adonar de la importància de l estat de l aire dels llocs tancats, però encara no som conscients que, coronavirus a banda, passem el 80% del nostre temps en espais tancats i.
Vaig veure Nomadland en un antic teatre parroquial en una ciutat de prop de Barcelona, on els cinemes, com a la majoria dels llocs, s han anat en orris. Dirigida per la xinesa Chloé Zhao i protagonitzada.
a los angeles temple vandalized with anti-semitic gra fe graffiti. the welcome sign was had 6 million on its. it s the first time in 40 years that temple leaders say they ve been vandalized. and officials have been suspended for having a wrestler cut his dred locs before a match. it showed johnson s hair being cut on the sidelines. alan maloney has been suspended for two seasons. and mandatory bias training will be given to referees. system unsolicited advice from one president to another. or was it?
that will likely get in a contempt proceeding and litigation. the democrats could hold m mnuchin in contempt? possibly. he s out there saying i ve been under oddet for two or three years. he s provided no proof of the audit and he could provide tax returns prier to that period. you re the exexpert on the law. does robert mueller have donald trump s tax returns right now? that experience tells me there s really no doubt mueller has those. that s right. in fact the irs has been asked about this and they ve not that they have but there would be a legitimate request special prosecutor, they would honor it and there s a lot the tax returns could tell us and not everything. they won t tell us about his locs and his foreign sources. a lot of that goes 250 different