a gallon, do youin thinkup he s straight up lying or do you think he just doesn t even remember? i don t know. i mean, bu t it s marth nota: t true. it is not simply not true. i mean, this is not opinion. this is fact.e you can easily look up where gas prices were three or something. then they went up to five or six in some places in california, close to seven . the other thing is thatat inflation, which hioe talked about inheriting was atg one point four percent, one point four percent now is at eight point two percent. it s very easy to pull up this chart and look at it. we re in s far worse i shape in the economy than we were when the president took office. and that s not my opinion. that s simply looking at the numbers. a recession is two negative periods of growth. weegativ had that then we had ts redefinition of what a recession is and then i thinke it kind of worked because sayin people are still saying, well, let g,ifs see if we re going toy be in a recession like it is all.
experts. we can take your parenting skills to new . so recently i did beat larry king s record and i have becomeg thanks to all ofs you,ru the longest running prime time cable news host in the history of cable news. my team, well, much to my chagrin actually put together some of the highlightsg from the pastt s twenty five years. it s kind of k humiliating to se the pictures of a much younger me. and welcome to hannity colmes on the fox news channel. i m seanel hannity on some other sites this objective no, no.ou let g me quote it from an a.m. propaganda video. i m going to be fair and balanced so that those are the complete works of karl marx, including communists, by the communist manifesto, by minister. welcome back, sir. good to see roseanne barr is
it turns out his task force didn t stop investigating, even when cox was let g the night of the saturday night massacre, the special prosecutor team made sure all the evidence was secure. the fbi sealed up the space to make sure nothing was tampered with. then, the investigation kept going. soon, the investigation got a new boss, his name was leon ja o jaworski. he septed the job, only after the white house assured him he would have complete freedom running the investigation. he is confident he won t suffer the same fate as his predecessor, cox.
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