Estate planning is a critical part of building generational wealth and creating a legacy. Yet, it is an area that can generate a lot of confusion and in turn, make you lose money. Misconceptions.
noticeably control, the oil price. and noticeably absent - control, the oil price. and noticeably absent from i control, the oil price. and noticeably absent from the list of those who will face personal sanctions is the president himself, vladimir putin. why is that? it is some precedent here, when you look at 2002 and what was going on with zimbabwe, the eu puts sanctions on robert mugabe and his wife, wes mugabe. 0n on robert mugabe and his wife, wes mugabe. on their financial situation and also on the travel, freezing assets and restricting their movement grace legado. it was not revoked until the start of this week and grace mugabe still had sanctions on her until the start of this week. so why not go for the president himself? there is not much point sanctioning putin, it will be largely symbolic and may boost his own popularity back home. what the us and eu and uk are going for a hard economic sanctions that will hits the elite and i think part of the
José Ignacio Asensio, Iñigo Ansola y Javier Bagües analizan los retos de la transformación energética en el sector del automóvil con motivo de la Feria Ekodrive