The Station is a weekly newsletter dedicated to all things transportation. Sign up here just click The Station to receive it every weekend in your inbox. Hello readers: Welcome to The Station, your central hub for all past, present and future means of moving people and packages from Point A to Point B. Autonowashing […]
Advanced driver assistance features, like GM’s Super Cruise and Tesla’s Autopilot, are often conflated with autonomous vehicles. But we need to be more clear about how we talk about cars if we want to prevent misuse and abuse.
Karma is not something limited to Hinduism. Also known as the principle of cause and effect, it states that what you get is what you give. This is probably why Gandhi managed to get India independent with no violence: he did not want it back against what he defended. Some people claiming to protect Tesla did not get that and created a virtual hell for Missy Cummings. The immediate result is that she closed her Twitter account.
Imagine a company willing to license teleportation technology. If people took that seriously, it would quickly be under investigation. That’s not what's happening with Tesla when it claims to have autonomous driving technology and makes thousands of people pay up to $10,000 for the right to have robotaxis. At the 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, Elon Musk acted again as if the company really had it: he said Tesla is willing to license it. But how can you license something you don’t have?