When Emma Nichols and Sam Kaas took over the Norwich Bookstore last June, they found strength from their neighbors.“That there were also two other healthy vibrant independent bookstores in the community was a huge selling point for us in terms of.
Fred Schleipman is currently hewing a cello out of fir by hand.While he’s not a cellist, Schleipman intends to learn to play the instrument once it’s finished. That would be an impressive feat for anyone; for a 102-year-old, it’d be.
Prior to this month, Angela Emerson had never used an impact driver.“Now I want one,” the Wilder resident has decided.That’s due to her participation in an All Women’s Work Project with Cover Home Repair, a nonprofit organization that sends teams of.
The Plainfield Historical Society will hold three barn-themed events on Saturday.The day kicks off at 9:30 a.m. with a self-guided tour of 12 barns representing multiple centuries and styles. Tickets can be purchased ahead of time for $20 or $25. At.
Even as educators were struggling with unprecedented instructional, logistical, behavioral and public health challenges over the past couple of plague years, New Hampshire’s Republican legislators and bureaucrats were bringing a poisoned apple to.