The high-stakes high school dramedy, and its aesthetic, has remained influential in the fashion world. Sartorial lines can be drawn from “Jawbreaker” to “Gossip Girl,” “Euphoria” and “Do Revenge,” to name just a few.
In honor of Netflix’s Do Revenge, here are some dark comedy movies like Heathers, Jennifer’s Body, and Mean Girls that show just how ruthless teenage girls can be.
The hidden message in Jawbreaker: Kill one for the Gipper!
By James DiGiovanna
LOOKING AT THE roster of teen films populating the cineplexes
in the last few months, one would think we had all been transported
back to the mid- 80s. The most recent foray into this Clearasil-and-peach-fuzz
arena is
Jawbreaker, which bests
She s All That
Varsity Blues in the extent to which it has been critically
reviled. Mike Clark, the reviewer for respected journalistic daily
USA Today, was appalled enough to dub it this nastiness. Critics usually hate a film for one of two reasons; 1) it actually