Chariot has announced the results of Independent Assessments on its gas resources offshore Morocco, incorporating the results of the recent successfully drilled Anchois-2 appraisal and exploration well.
Chariot Ltd (AIM:CHAR, OTC:OIGLF) has announced a material increase in its gas resources offshore Morocco, validating its decision to fast-track its field.
Chariot Limited (LON:CHAR – Get Rating) passed above its two hundred day moving average during trading on Wednesday . The stock has a two hundred day moving average of GBX 14.77 ($0.18) and traded as high as GBX 18.50 ($0.22). Chariot shares last traded at GBX 18.30 ($0.22), with a volume of 2,221,954 shares trading […]
With Morocco's energy needs heavily reliant on imported coal and gas and Algeria's decision to halt gas flows via the GME pipeline, Anchois field could be a game changer. Read more here.
Morocco has taken a step to becoming a significant gas producer with London-listed minnow Chariot on 20 June announcing the award of a front-end engineerin.