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Transcripts For CSPAN3 History Bookshelf DaMaris Hill A Bound Woman Is A Dangerous Thing 20240712

Day at all three locations here, and our new union market. We are excited about the offers that will be speaking for the next month so i encourage everyone to grab the Event Calendar to see who will be here in february. Before we get started i would like to remind everyone to silence your cell phones and devices. We are filming today and dont want any interruptions. We also ask you to make sure to use one of the microphones at the end to ask questions. If you dont speak into the microphone, your question will not be picked up on the recording. If you havent purchased a book yet and would like to do so, they are available you can ask a staff member and they will grab a copy. After the event is over there will be a signing blind to the right of the table and if youve been here before you know we ask everyone to fold up chair pull up a chair after the event and make resetting the store easier for the staff. Dr. Hill is an accomplished author and scholar. She has written two previous books. Is an assistant professor creative writing and African Studies at the university of kentucky. She is here to talk about her most recent work a bound woman is a dangerous thing. Inspired by the works of tony morrison, and drawing on the anxieties of temporary existence and the fluid nature of time and history, dr. Hill honors the time and suffering of African American women throughout history. While providing a detail insight into their personalities, she simultaneously delves into the forms of incarceration and the dehumanizing effects they have had on the women she writes about. A bound woman is a dangerous thing made it into the list of most anticipated books of 2019. We are excited and honored to have her here tonight so help welcome toery warm dr. Damaris hill. [applause] damaris i want to thank everybody for coming out. It is treacherous outside, and so i am so impressed that you all are here. If i do not begin to read immediately, i will burst into flames because im so anxious. All right, well let me try something new. What i would like to try for this reading is i would like everybody to close their eyes for a second. And remind yourself that you are human. That you make mistakes and that you are forgiven, that violence is not a currency, and that humanity is your culture, your tribe, and your people and your family. Thank you. My grandmothers picture opens this book, as far as i know she was never formally incarcerated. I choose to honor her because the jane crow styles of oppression that were prevalent during her lifetime included violence and threats for accessing civil liberties. These oppressions were rooted in false ideas of social superiority that can make one feel imprisoned. Jane crow types of oppression could affect mental health, mania, mental illness, fracture a wise womans intellect as they did with so many other black women in america. These forms of love letters the opening of this book explored how i am bound, beholden to others. I stand here bound in the legacy of love in the midst of the ricochet in solidarity with the hurt and wounded, whether they occupy this life or the next. Like sandra bland, freddie gray, ms. Susie jackson, and her cousin ethyl lance. Senator reverend pinkny, daniel simmons, sr. , pastor myra thompson, eric gardner, trayvon martin, eric harris, walter scott, jonathan furel, and others. The afflicted place for healing just as the hungry prey for bread. The wind has ever sent bread. In my recollection of the scriptures god has always sent a woman. A woman like eve, a woman like mosess mother, and the woman that raised him to be a king. A woman like debra, maybe sumanna, the wind as god ever sent bread. The poet advises me to study the masters and in this way my work reflects that historical lineage of resistance in my deep study of writers such as phyllis wheatly, anna julia cooper, francis harper, tony morrison, ms. Hill clifton. Lucille clifton. And in kind my work does not ignore the history of other writers using history as inspiration, my work is immersed in a profoundly literary american tradition which explored the realities of the american tradition in dialogue with the ideas of democracy. Like history, i am older than i look, my white ancestors immigrated to this country in the 1780s, my african and inditchinginous ancestors were already here before them. My mother is in labor with me in 1974. She and my father wish for a son to unite them. I came a woman in the body of a girl, 3. 5 weeks late, breaking my mother in too many ways. She had an energy to name me, my father is too lazy to be original. He scribbled my mothers name on the certificate and wrote his mothers name behind the wifes name. This ritual of naming is one way we learn to love and bind with people who are no longer sharing this planet with us. In these poems the legacy of these womens lives chased me like a strong wind. This book is a love letter to women that have been denied or erased. Every time i call a name in this book, presume that the person who bears the name is loved. If you are brave, imagine that women congealing on my tongue, giving the name, breath, and memory. Let these women dance among your days and with your nights dream better lives. So that was a portion from the preface. This book is a hybrid book, part memoir, part poetry. So im going to attempt to read a couple of poems, and ill see how much time i actually have. So, what ive been thinking about doing for the reading is actually calling the name of the women that are from the Geographic Area where im standing. So since this is the maryland, virginia, dc area, today im going to honor lucille clifton, zorra hursten, Harriet Tubman, another unnamed woman that was imprisoned in the eastern state penitentiary in philadelphia but she was actually from cambridge. And so i want to honor the women who were actually from this space because thats important to me. Lets begin with an echo poem from mrs. Clinton, in the garden. In the garden of marvel and men, i swivel slowly in. I am some clay faced janest following the drums of your tongue. Did you know, these halls are prone to echo. God is dead, yet the walls are greedy for confessions. Your words mirror my truth. Forgive me, my voice is a tapestry of tax trying to wither the skin. Lucille clifton is important because shes from the space and also because she was generous to me when i was very young, and very brash, and i thank her for this time and place. All right so the poem is divided into seven groups and they are all multiples of being entendres of being bound. And so i talk about being bound in a form of kinship, being bound in the form of being fettered, and as being imprisoned, being bound in terms of demarcation, and in terms of archival history. Being bound like a hinge and i also talk about being bound as a word that we use to talk about springing forth and going into new directions. So, the second the first chapter in the book is dedicated , well, the entire book is deadtated to my ancestors, blood relative, or otherwise. But in the Second Chapter in the book, i focus on a piece of research or book that she is the researcher of black women in prison. She did a wonderful book called colored amazons, and when i finished the book i couldnt stop scribbling poems about the case studies she unearthed in the book. So the Second Chapter in the book is very related to her work. So the poem im about to read to blackwhite criminality in withsane asylum, has to do a woman who could racially pass but chose not to. And once she was imprisoned she was encouraged to racially path. Pass. So that she can go into an insane asylum. The warden told her she didnt have to be here. Why would you choose to be here. So prison records describe the violent disorderly black female prisoner. Asylum records for a triple white female patient, criminality lay largely in the up i of the beholder, and those individuals most likely to be gazing, did so through a distorted lens. And thats from caly ann grosss book, colored amazons. This is titled black bird melody. Number one, blue veins line my wrists. Rosaries stitch in my palms. I pass through eastern a yellow canary. My voice, and have any tongue, hail mary, no grace, black soul in the middle of the psalms. My mother bibles songs, a broken heart bomb. By lips carry her cello harmony. Light skin cant hide what the ears can clearly see, a voice that gullies and studies your qualms. White stains my skin, and ripples in my hair, bears witness to a father i dare not love. Each strand a dusty track, an an eyelash, a prayer layered in cobblestones. To be white, drifting, each face that passed refuses to grieve. Number two, not a white woman nor do i wither. Darkness, i bloom between brick do i quiver, not a white woman nor do i wither. This lips trail away my woes. Not a white woman nor do i wit wither, in darkness i bruise a blue rose. Number three, silence. No song, beat me, bid, quiet, gag me, dead. Number four. Something has died there. Silence where a song once lived. Ironcuffed neck, wrists, no heaven, no one forgives, persecute me. An ice water baptism wakes my soul for refuse agnew boss man, first day on patrol. This warden cassidy wants me to waltz wrong, turn right, whispering to me life is better if crazy and white. You solo dance the cracks between alabaster tile. You live in the black, you gleamed white all the while. Number five, blackbird oriole. You can do anything but sing alone. She needs sisters, blackwinged melodies the southland contraltos of dark angels. Am i going to make you guys really, really sad . I do that in class. All the time. [laughter] yeah. I teach sometimes i teach African American studies or i teach american studies but what ineally teaches like horrors American History. And i sit there and i talk to them, and when it gets really bad i put a little inflection in the voice and i threatened class and say, go home and watch stand up. Try to heal a little bit. The next one is about hursten. We all know zora as being brass and outspoken and a brilliant writer. But, and some of us know about her being an anthropologist. But she was equally brilliant p at the sciences. And so, what ive been thinking a lot about with the book and the women in this book is how historically we limit them, and we dont talk about their greatness and fullness and their brilliance. And in all of the ways that they were dynamic, and so i thought a lot about zora and shes is definitely an inspiration to me. But this poem kind of talks about a younger zora, so with zora being black and a woman she enters the field of anthropology , which is dominated at this time by Eugenic Sciences and a guy named Madison Grant who definitely believes if youre male and youre white and you have money that youre at the top of the social and evolutionary hierarchy. And somebody like zora would be at the bottom of that hierarchy. But this poem is set at a cooktail party in new york. Where zora used to be a graduate student, meeting him. And so ill read it from there,. You should know one other person in the poem. Odebanga, he was taken from africa and he lived in the bronx zoo among the chimpanzees. So you should know their lives overlapped. Before the bronx zoo, odebanga boarded a ship, flipping a fish scale like a coin. The first shiny thing hes seen since his family had been murdered. Leopolds soldier still carries the finger of odebangas daughter to ward away evil in his pocket. Remember him, the man in with the monkeys . Who can forget the way he grit his teeth. They resemble clause. He is caged in the zoo, the same year her mother becomes a ghost. Thick and wet with memories, zora has a hard time keeping still. For morgan and baltimore to howard in the district to bernard near the bronx, he haunts her, folding the news clippings in with her lunch, reading the creases, mysteries draped in her palms. This odd chameleon, the cradles of hell always take the shape of a womans lips. Using a Looking Glass made from a martini, Madison Grant traces zoras square jaw. When she whispers to him about ann spencer and this border, his throat burns with curiosity. He considers this zoa and all that is alchemy. Is she the prophecy of stones . The fire within the Dark Sciences he ponders . Ok. So, lets go to this superhero right here, Harriet Tubman. You know ecologist, spy, ward nurse, soldier, freedom fighter, ship commander, john browns general tubman, lets talk about that. And people are silly enough to believe she couldnt read. [laughter] figure that, right . All right harriet is holey. So this poem is written in a peculiar way because we know that craft and content go together. So this poem can be read in any direction and hopefully it will make sense. And i did that purposely because you werent going to find Harriet Tubman in one spot. You can never locate her, and so i felt like a poem that would honor her would also have the same continuity. So im going to read it twice in two different ways. Hold it to the wind, what is it about water, women, take me ms. Tubman in toe, her instructions make my mark x. A river be as faithful as the daughter of eve, the mother of cane, her face a rainbow wonder, her smile a collection of stars and springs between water, between women, be no mysteries. I know of no man that stands waist deep in these crossings. This woman needs. Like braille. Bold in her feet, this woman needs these sweet waters in her palms, thousands call her. Moses. Ask the stars, even jesus needed a john the baptist. With arms wide, her, she in the intersections she be revolver and rescue. Ok. So that we get a little bit of water. So i just read this left to right, up and down traditionally. Now im going to read it up column, down column, up column. Ok . She be revolver and rescues with arms wide ask the stars thousands, this woman needs mossy river beds stands between water, between women, her smile of cane, a river, her intersections make what is it about, shy and these intersections, a june the baptist, her a moses, and her palms folded into the feet. These crossings, i know of no man, of stars and of springs, a rainbow wonder, a daughter of eve, x marks the spot, take me ms. Tubman in toe, hold hands to the wind, her even jesus needed. Call these sweet waters like braille. Waist deep in wet ministries. A collection her face is as faithful as any mark, water, woman, look at them. So [applause] thanks. I like to play. You cant really tell right now, but i like to play, particularly on the page. So let me look at my time. I am going to read one poem of a woman thats not from here, but shes tied to here so this poem is about ruby mcculm, and was a victim of paramore rights. Mostlye rights were emancipation, when usually an affluent white male in the community would seek out a black woman to have a family with. But it didnt matter what her choices for the family were, because the social and cultural constraints would just make her accessible. And so Ruby Mccallum was a victim of this to a man who was a doctor who was later elected senator before she shot him. But its important to also say, when we talk about her decision , well, yeah, yeah, the decision that resulted in his death, that she was a mother of three children that belonged to her husband, an affluent black businessman in the community, but her fourth child was fathered by dr. Adams. Prison, she was in miscarried a fifth child that we assume was also dr. Adams child. So, oh, this is important because zora covered her case. So thats why its connected to here. So we talk about zora her being a writer and an anthropologist, but she was working for the pittsburgh courier, and doing Anthropological Research on paramore rights. She said, girl, i got you. Come in now and we will do this. So thats what a lot of this book has taught me that these women were not operating in silos. They were operating in solidarity before we had words for it. So zora showed up and covering the case, and the pittsburgh carrier stopped paying her and if you know her shes all about her money. Which camino, i love. You know, i love. This is a capitalist society. Even though she stopped covering the case for the pittsburgh courier, what she did as soon as the case was over is that she published a story in a major outlet that reflected rubys experiences. So she never abandoned ruby or her story. So im going to read ruby mcculm. Ruby is from florida. It will make sense when i read the poem. They lie, some say that ruby and her husband sam are live oaks black bonnie and collide, but make no mention of her fine house with a pool and the ring of policemen swimming and her and sams pockets. I swear, between alabama and the gulf, its hard to keep anything anything out of the gators mouth, out of a raccoons grip. Some are buttery as the devil, crawling into your yard reaching. Greedy bandits treat an open window as an invitation. You findthet set and slayed, salten kings crisscross. They reach drawing you close, whispering paramour, threatening to tear any black man to pieces. Shes are the ways hes going to disrobe you come get you 2 a raccoon never retreats. Not for threat of bait or broom. They run you ragged, race, ever wait to find yourself on adams floor, dressed for church . Praying for a precipitation with some poison, ruby needed something to rid her of the little rascal scratching inside. No, who else would you call when a critter insists on living in your walls . So thats ruby mcculm, and im going to give the crowd a choice. Ok. Sandra bland or junia mclellan. Sandra bland. Damaris sandra bland. Ok. I must warn you after i read this poem i usually have a hard time, but im going to read it. I mean the whole book is a hard time, a hard time writing it, editing it. I was like give me page numbers, i cant go all the way back. Yeah, but im grateful, the ancestors are pleased. Again, thank you to everyone who bought the book. The book went through three printings before the book was released, so the ancestors are pleased. So thank you so much for purchasing the book. Its in its fourth printing, over 8500 copies are in circulation right now, and its a poetry book. You know . [laughter] we usually get about 500 in circulation, so thank you. Refrain. Aks, a choral it could have been me. Three degrees creased into the bits of the constitution in my veins like braille. The declarations tattooed inside my eyelids. How many times did sally hemmens have to hear about them . And affirm the tiny ego of time. Before he bears himself to his brothers collecting their postings, forgiving his debt. It could have been me. Like sandy, i would have missed them dashes in the road. The ways i skirt around corners under the cover of sun, i fleeing an interview, happy to have some means, pockets fluffy with promises, it could have been me. Listening to gospel, the lilts in my throat, running at a marlboro fog above my lips. My car would be all clouds, a heaven shaved with blue and red lights. It could have been me. My eyebrows high, my voice low, questioning about his bidding, it could have been me. A black woman, the color of oklahoma clay. A police man pretending to be some cowboy. Sandy had been in texas but a day. How long had he been hunting for one like her . He had seen this scene in his mind. It was a means of forgetting the man who refused to love him. And the black man she clung to. In this vision, he is a rodeostyle hero. Sandy is a rogue rascal. He holds out his tongue to shout to the coins and praises. A black woman without a job owns her dignity. Did he fancy excuse me, did his fantasy desire that too . He minded out of her back with his knees. History told him he could squeeze gold from a black womans wrists. Is that why he braided the noose to resemble a lasso . So yeah, im finished now. [laughter] [applause] thank you so much for listening. Ok, so any questions you have to co


Transcripts For SFGTV Planning Commission 20240712

Off your video camera. Do not use any controls ma may affect other participants. To enable public participation, we are broadcasting and streaming live and we will receive Public Comment for each item on the agenda. We are broadcasting and streaming at the toll free number across the bottom of the screen. Comments or opportunities to speak during the Public Comment period are available via phone by calling 8882733658 and enter the code 3107452, pressing pound and pound again. When you are connected, press one and then 0 to be added to the queue. Each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes. When you have 30 seconds remaining, you will hear a chime indicating your time is almost up. When your allotted time is reached, i will announce your time is up and direct my staff to take the next person. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and mute the volume on your television or computer. At this time, i would like to take roll. [ roll call ] thank you, commissioners. First on your agenda commissioners is consideration of items proposed for continuance. Item one, 2019016388. Many ocean avenue proposed for continuance to july 23rd, 2020. Ethe second run is proposed to continuance for july 20th, 2020. The next case on lat lawton str, proposed to july 30th, 20 to. 20. The next one Health Care Services master plan is proposed for continuance to august 27th, 2020. Item five, at 3074 pacific avenue, review has been withdrawn. Commissioners, i have no other items to propose for continuance. We should open this up for Public Comment. Your conference is now in question and answer mode. To summon each question, press one and then zero. As a reminder, this is your opportunity to call in to the 800 number and press one and then zero to enter the queue. Do we have any callers . You have four questions remaining. Hello. Can you hear me okay . We can. Yes. Im calling because i was notified of this meeting by the San Francisco Labor Council, and im calling on the topic of the amazon project thats apparently trying to set up a Grocery Store and i want to point out from a union point of view, thats not appropriate. Im not sure if this is the right time for comment on that. That will come up later on the agenda and your opportunity to address that will present itself when the item is called and we take Public Comment for that. You have two questions remaining. Hello. My name is Larry Griffen and im calling as the previous caller to speak about the amazon whole foods issue. I will remain in will my place remain in line when were called . You have one question remaining. Caller, are you prepared to submit your Public Comment . They rung up. No more callers. Very good, commissioners. The matter is now before you. Commissioner moore. Move to continue as noted. Second. Thank you, commissioners. On that motion to continue items as proposed. [ roll call ] so moved, commissioners. It passes 70 placing under under 6, consideration of draft minutes for the june 11th, 2020 hearing. Do i hear a motion . Public comment. Thank you. Appreciate that. We should take Public Comment for that matter. Your conference is in question and answer mode. To summon each question press one and then zero. Do we have any yes. You have three questions remaining. I will remind members of the public that this Public Comment is addressing the minutes only. It is addressing what only . Is it. The minutes. Sorry. Im confused as to how the commenting works. When the item is called that you would like to comment on, that will be the opportunity to press one and zero to get into the queue. Otherwise, youll be in the queue for every item that we call. So then what i dont understand is proposed for continuance because is it that item three is not going to be addressed until some later meeting . Thats what im unclear on. Item three was just continued to july 30th. So 3601 lawton street. Thats what i needed to know. Perfect. Thank you so much. Im done. You have two questions remaining. Did everyone get a copy of the minutes . Were those sent out. Theyre available online, sir. They were made available a week ago. Thank you. You have one question remaining. I would like to comment im sorry. Im still confused about this. Im not sure where im supposed to be. Im looking at the agenda, and i dont see anything online on the agenda that i want to speak to. I want to speak to the amazon issue. Right. If you just hold on, sir, and keep watching the hearing, we will get to that matter at a later time today. At that time, when i request for Public Comment, then you press one and zero to enter the queue. Okay. But there is no agenda online with a separate item. Correct . Yes, there is. If you go to our web page under sf planning and go to the Planning Commission, you will find our agenda. Im looking at it. Theres nothing on there, sir. It just says special calendar 1, 2, and items 3. Then item 3 the previous closed session. Right. That was the previous agenda. There is another agenda for the regular hearing. If you open that, you will see all the items that were going to address now. Okay. Thank you very much. Its item 14. Yeah. Commissioner moore you have zero questions remaining. It appears as though you were sharing your screen. If you could hit the down arrow in the middle on your floating menu bar, you will no longer share your screen. There you go. That was the right button. Yeah. Perfect. Thank you. Commissioners, well get through this one day. Now the matter is before you. Commissioner fung. Move to adopt the minutes. Second . Second to adopt the minutes. [ roll call ] so moved commissioners. That motion passes 70. Item 7, commission comments and questions. Seeing no comments or questions, commissioners, we can move on to department matters. Item 8, announcements. I have no items for today. Great. Item 9, review of past events of the board of supervisors. I dont have a report from the board of appeals and the Preservation Commission did not meet yesterday. I will just announce that they did cancel their july 1st hearing. So they will reconvene on july 15th. Commissioner star. Good afternoon, commissioners. Aaron star, manager of legislative affairs. The Land Use Committee authorized 9 Planning Department to apply for 1. 5 million in early Action Planning Grant Program funds for the California Department of housing and community development. Four citywide planning projects that streamline housing approval and accelerate housing production. During the hearing planning made a presentation. There was no comment and the item was recommended to the full board as a committee report. This week, the full board considered the conditional use appeal for 95norhop. They came to an agreement and the supervisor made a motion to amend the authorization to include the agreed upon compromise. Compromise included lower the height of the proposed buildings by two fee feet and require a 12foot front set back and stilted foundation on any proposed building on the proposed lot that faces the avenue. Since they had agreed on a compromise, Public Comment was minimal and planning sorry and planning did not present. The board voted to approve and file the hearing. Also, the appeal for the condition allution authorization at 1420 was continued for one week and the grant expenditure resolution was passed. Thats all i have for you today. Okay. Seeing no questions for mr. Star, we can move on to general Public Comment. At this time, members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. Your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached until the meeting. Each member may address up to 3 minutes. When the number of speakers exceed the 15 minute limit comment may be moved to the end of the agenda. So i will stress again this is not Public Comment for the whole foods matter that we will hear later today. This is general Public Comment only for those items that are not listed on the agenda. Lets go to Public Comment. Your conference is now in questioquestion and answer mode. To summon each question, press one then zero. Again, members of the public, this is your opportunity to call in to the 800 number if you want to enter the queue. You have two questions remaining. Oh, good afternoon. Hello, everyone. Its georgia shooters. I want to comment on something that i think should be done within six months of the cfc issued. The project sponsor should be required to send the following info to the Planning Department, and this is for projects that didnt comply with the cua or large project authorization. I think they should send the information on the status of the property if its been sold or rented, more than one unit. Percentage of occupancy in the larger buildings or even threeunit building, and the type of tenure, whether its rented or condo or whatever. Once that data is received through this process, various project sponsors, the cumulative amount will give the commissioners and the public an understanding of how approvals are adding to the Residential Housing stock or not. For example, for existing large multi unit buildings, Something Else that you could do, which would be those buildings that have been approved within the last ten years, primarily throughout the eastern neighborhoods, the bulk data should be collected from the Water Department to understand usage. Units that are occupied only parttime will show a lower rate of usage while units that are occupied fulltime will show a higher volume. And just for an example of that, i think since weve been staying at home, im sure were seeing higher water bills for those of us who worked and have our children at home from school because theres more water being flushed and run every day. If this bulk data is compiled, it will help understand the percentage of fulltime occupancy in these past approvals. Ive mentioned this before for the smaller projects that youve approved like 1099 delores which is three units and the legalizing the demo on 21st street which is two units. I think that there was a sense that they wanted you wanted a holistic approach, but do it for everybody not just individual projects. But i think this is a useful condition to impose on everyone, the burden is not that great. It is part of the businesses that a project sponsor needs to this information a project sponsor would need to compile for their own finances when they are dealing with a project. So thats my suggestion. I think its a good way to figure out whats going on with things that you approve once you identify the cuas and certainly the large project authorization. Thank you very much. Everyone have a wonderful 4th at home and take care and be safe and well. Byebye. You have three questions remaining. This is sue hester. Last weeks report, weekly report said there were no items at the board of supervisors at the land use meeting that was relevant it the Planning Department. Thats not true. As part of the problem, the Planning Department doesnt Pay Attention to things that are not in the planning code. What is not in the planning code is a, rent control, and b, Residential Hotels and c, ceqa. Theyre all in the administrative code. We have a lot of Residential Hotels, particularly in district 3, nob hill and chinatown, district 6, tenderloin and south market. Theres five mostly in the quarter and the southern area, even some in district 2. Academy of art which was before the board a couple months ago had taken over a bunch of Residential Hotels and converted them illegally as student housing. One of the things theyre trying to they are tasked to renovate is the housing back to regular housing. We have also had Residential Hotels we do have one coming up on your calendar in three weeks, 54 fourth street. Its a conversion from Residential Hotel into tourist hotel. Its governed by addendums to the code and you have to approve it because its governed by the planning code as a hotel. You have no guidance from the staff or from anyone else that i can detect on both rent control, which is different section of the planning code as well as Residential Hotels. You have the opportunity to have some of this issue really talked about. I would recommend that when you have the hearing in two weeks on the Housing Inventory update, in three weeks, july 16th, that is an opportunity to have instruction on how the staff complies with the rent control provisions and the Residential Hotel. A person like me who reviews all the notices finds a lot of rent controlled housing that is inspented by the proposed project. Staff doesnt even catch it because theyre not grounded in looking for rent controlled units that may be affected by a pros he had approved process approved. I ask you to do this, please. Thank you. You have two questions remaining. Is the caller prepared to make their general Public Comment . Yes. Your time is running. Sorry. Im just wondering, are you taking comments on the building on lawton avenue and 42nd avenue for the proposed building of the five story Apartment Building there . Maam, the 3601 lawton Street Project was continued to july 30th. So that matter sorry. July 30th. Lets go to the next caller. Okay. You have one question remaining. Hi. Im confused on the Public Comment session. On item 14, it was heard on may 28th and then Public Comment was closed. So will Public Comment for item 14 be open . It will be, yes. Great. Thank you so much. You have zero questions remaining. Very good, commissioners. That concludes the Public Comment portion of the hearing. If there are no questions by from the commissioners, we can move on to the regular calendar. For item ten, case number 2020003039pca for the arts activities and social service for philanthropic facilities for temporary uses planning Code Amendment. Are you prepared to make your presentation . Yes. Thank you. Planning Department Staff, before i give staff presentation, i wanted to introduce paul from supervisor own ans office who is here to speak on behalf of the ordinance. Can you hear me okay . Yes. Good afternoon, commissioners. Im paul and im aid to district 9. Its a pleasure to join you today. Ill be touching on legislation that seeks to establish a temporary use permit that will make it easier for nonprofit agencies that are providing arts, cultural philanthropic and social services to operate out of vacant storefronts throughout the city. Prior to the covid19 that we mind ourselves in, San Francisco was already reeling from an affordability crisis that was destabilizing our businesses and nonprofit tex sectors. We have exacerbated this for our businesses and nonprofits. You see dozens of empty storefronts and they will be expected to grow in number. As we begin the very challenging process of restoring our economy, the blight they create will undermine or neighborhood. We have dozens of nonprofit agencies and arts and cultural organizations facing displacement and are trying to find new places to operate. This legislation seeks to create a solution for establishing a new temporary use permit option that will allow nonprofit agencies providing arts and social services to operate out of unused vacant storefronts throughout the city for up to two years. Current planning code restrictions make it difficult for nonprofit, arts and social Service Organizations to open up along our commercial corridor. With this, a temporary permit would offer a fas faster, flexie way to occupy them with uses that support the health and wellbeing of our surrounding community. It will help provide access to new spaces which to operate on a short or midterm basis and that can assist during periods of transition between facilities and also minimize the disruption in programs and service delivery. On the other hand, for our owners, this will be an efficient way for storefronts but avoid fees with obtaining a blight violation or registering a vacant storefront under the program that was established last year. As we allow this initiative, we will be partnering with the diagnose inspections so Property Owners who receive notices for vacant storefronts are informed about this new temporary use permit as a way of supporting local nonprofit agencies while avoiding we will be partnering with workforce investment to support and connect nonprofit agencies at risk of displacement or experiencing transition to these owners who might be willing to bring them into their storefront. Although we introduced this back in february, after covid struck, we consulted with Planning Department staff to find ways that we could broaden the scope of the legislation so its more responsive to the present reality that we found ourselves in. We ask that we propose amendments that define covid19 relief and recovery uses such as food distribution, financial assistance, popup testing facilities, and uses that would be eligible for this brand new temporary use permit and be exempt from the application processing fee as a way to encourage the use of these type of permits. That way service providessers can use the permits as a tool to easily set up Critical Social Services in our storefronts to assist our vulnerable residents in the month of head. We believe that by creating a streamline process, this will lower this lower barrier temporary use permit will eliminate blight and promote activities as well as bolster Recovery Efforts in impacted neighborhoods throughout the city. I would like to wrap up just by expressing my appreciation to audrey and Planning Department and judy at the City Attorney as office for their guidance on this. With that, ill turn it over to audrey. Thank you. Thank you, paul. So to continue with staffs presentation, the proposed ordinance would establish a new type of temporary use authorization which would allow arts activities and social service or philanthropic facility uses as a temporary use in any nonresidential joined vacant ground floor space. The initial approval process period which paul outlined would be for one year with a oneyear possible extension available at the discretion of the Planning Department. The Planning Department has been working in conjunction with supervisor ronens office as paul mentioned. I wont go into great detail about the anticipated amendments that we have outlined in our staff report, about you buti will again state that the 1st amendment would be to define covid19 relief and recovery uses and make those uses eligible for the proposed tua and the second would be to create a fee waiver for covid19 relief and recovery uses seeking the tua through section 205. 6 as it is currently outlined. It would be a different section under the proposed amendments, but were talking about the new tua. The department has not received any Public Comment regarding the ordinance and we recommend that the commission approve with modifications the proposed ordinance. The departments proposed modifications are to include the two anticipated amendments described and which again are outlined in the executive summary. So that concludes staff presentation, and both paul and myself are available for any questions. Thanks. If that concludes staff presentation, we should open up for Public Comment. Your conference is now in questioquestionquestion and ans. To summon each question, press one then zero. This is your opportunity to comment on this planning Code Amendment by pressing one and zero to enter the queue. You have one question remaining. My name is khi, and i live on 3601 lawton street. I dont want any new we are not taking Public Comment on that. That will be heard on july 30th. Lets go to the next caller. You have zero questions remaining. Very good commissioners. The matter is before you. Im excited to see this and thank all those for bringing it forward to us. Over the course of my experience on


Transcripts For SFGTV Planning Commission 20240712

Possible to hold meetings remotely. We received authorization from the Mayors Office to convene through the enter of the shelter in place. This will be our 14th remote hearing. I am requesting everyones patience in advance. The platforms will not perfect, and at times, may seem clumsy. If you are not speaking, please mute your microphone and turn off your video camera. Do not use any controls ma may affect other participants. To enable public participation, we are broadcasting and streaming live and we will receive Public Comment for each item on the agenda. We are broadcasting and streaming at the toll free number across the bottom of the screen. Comments or opportunities to speak during the Public Comment period are available via phone by calling 8882733658 and enter the code 3107452, pressing pound and pound again. When you are connected, press one and then 0 to be added to the queue. Each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes. When you have 30 seconds remaining, you will hear a chime indicating your time is almost up. When your allotted time is reached, i will announce your time is up and direct my staff to take the next person. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and mute the volume on your television or computer. At this time, i would like to take roll. [ roll call ] thank you, commissioners. First on your agenda commissioners is consideration of items proposed for continuance. Item one, 2019016388. Many ocean avenue proposed for continuance to july 23rd, 2020. Ethe second run is proposed to continuance for july 20th, 2020. The next case on lat lawton str, proposed to july 30th, 20 to. 20. The next one Health Care Services master plan is proposed for continuance to august 27th, 2020. Item five, at 3074 pacific avenue, review has been withdrawn. Commissioners, i have no other items to propose for continuance. We should open this up for Public Comment. Your conference is now in question and answer mode. To summon each question, press one and then zero. As a reminder, this is your opportunity to call in to the 800 number and press one and then zero to enter the queue. Do we have any callers . You have four questions remaining. Hello. Can you hear me okay . We can. Yes. Im calling because i was notified of this meeting by the San Francisco Labor Council, and im calling on the topic of the amazon project thats apparently trying to set up a Grocery Store and i want to point out from a union point of view, thats not appropriate. Im not sure if this is the right time for comment on that. That will come up later on the agenda and your opportunity to address that will present itself when the item is called and we take Public Comment for that. You have two questions remaining. Hello. My name is Larry Griffen and im calling as the previous caller to speak about the amazon whole foods issue. I will remain in will my place remain in line when were called . You have one question remaining. Caller, are you prepared to submit your Public Comment . They rung up. No more callers. Very good, commissioners. The matter is now before you. Commissioner moore. Move to continue as noted. Second. Thank you, commissioners. On that motion to continue items as proposed. [ roll call ] so moved, commissioners. It passes 70 placing under under 6, consideration of draft minutes for the june 11th, 2020 hearing. Do i hear a motion . Public comment. Thank you. Appreciate that. We should take Public Comment for that matter. Your conference is in question and answer mode. To summon each question press one and then zero. Do we have any yes. You have three questions remaining. I will remind members of the public that this Public Comment is addressing the minutes only. It is addressing what only . Is it. The minutes. Sorry. Im confused as to how the commenting works. When the item is called that you would like to comment on, that will be the opportunity to press one and zero to get into the queue. Otherwise, youll be in the queue for every item that we call. So then what i dont understand is proposed for continuance because is it that item three is not going to be addressed until some later meeting . Thats what im unclear on. Item three was just continued to july 30th. So 3601 lawton street. Thats what i needed to know. Perfect. Thank you so much. Im done. You have two questions remaining. Did everyone get a copy of the minutes . Were those sent out. Theyre available online, sir. They were made available a week ago. Thank you. You have one question remaining. I would like to comment im sorry. Im still confused about this. Im not sure where im supposed to be. Im looking at the agenda, and i dont see anything online on the agenda that i want to speak to. I want to speak to the amazon issue. Right. If you just hold on, sir, and keep watching the hearing, we will get to that matter at a later time today. At that time, when i request for Public Comment, then you press one and zero to enter the queue. Okay. But there is no agenda online with a separate item. Correct . Yes, there is. If you go to our web page under sf planning and go to the Planning Commission, you will find our agenda. Im looking at it. Theres nothing on there, sir. It just says special calendar 1, 2, and items 3. Then item 3 the previous closed session. Right. That was the previous agenda. There is another agenda for the regular hearing. If you open that, you will see all the items that were going to address now. Okay. Thank you very much. Its item 14. Yeah. Commissioner moore you have zero questions remaining. It appears as though you were sharing your screen. If you could hit the down arrow in the middle on your floating menu bar, you will no longer share your screen. There you go. That was the right button. Yeah. Perfect. Thank you. Commissioners, well get through this one day. Now the matter is before you. Commissioner fung. Move to adopt the minutes. Second . Second to adopt the minutes. [ roll call ] so moved commissioners. That motion passes 70. Item 7, commission comments and questions. Seeing no comments or questions, commissioners, we can move on to department matters. Item 8, announcements. I have no items for today. Great. Item 9, review of past events of the board of supervisors. I dont have a report from the board of appeals and the Preservation Commission did not meet yesterday. I will just announce that they did cancel their july 1st hearing. So they will reconvene on july 15th. Commissioner star. Good afternoon, commissioners. Aaron star, manager of legislative affairs. The Land Use Committee authorized 9 Planning Department to apply for 1. 5 million in early Action Planning Grant Program funds for the California Department of housing and community development. Four citywide planning projects that streamline housing approval and accelerate housing production. During the hearing planning made a presentation. There was no comment and the item was recommended to the full board as a committee report. This week, the full board considered the conditional use appeal for 95norhop. They came to an agreement and the supervisor made a motion to amend the authorization to include the agreed upon compromise. Compromise included lower the height of the proposed buildings by two fee feet and require a 12foot front set back and stilted foundation on any proposed building on the proposed lot that faces the avenue. Since they had agreed on a compromise, Public Comment was minimal and planning sorry and planning did not present. The board voted to approve and file the hearing. Also, the appeal for the condition allution authorization at 1420 was continued for one week and the grant expenditure resolution was passed. Thats all i have for you today. Okay. Seeing no questions for mr. Star, we can move on to general Public Comment. At this time, members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. Your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached until the meeting. Each member may address up to 3 minutes. When the number of speakers exceed the 15 minute limit comment may be moved to the end of the agenda. So i will stress again this is not Public Comment for the whole foods matter that we will hear later today. This is general Public Comment only for those items that are not listed on the agenda. Lets go to Public Comment. Your conference is now in questioquestion and answer mode. To summon each question, press one then zero. Again, members of the public, this is your opportunity to call in to the 800 number if you want to enter the queue. You have two questions remaining. Oh, good afternoon. Hello, everyone. Its georgia shooters. I want to comment on something that i think should be done within six months of the cfc issued. The project sponsor should be required to send the following info to the Planning Department, and this is for projects that didnt comply with the cua or large project authorization. I think they should send the information on the status of the property if its been sold or rented, more than one unit. Percentage of occupancy in the larger buildings or even threeunit building, and the type of tenure, whether its rented or condo or whatever. Once that data is received through this process, various project sponsors, the cumulative amount will give the commissioners and the public an understanding of how approvals are adding to the Residential Housing stock or not. For example, for existing large multi unit buildings, Something Else that you could do, which would be those buildings that have been approved within the last ten years, primarily throughout the eastern neighborhoods, the bulk data should be collected from the Water Department to understand usage. Units that are occupied only parttime will show a lower rate of usage while units that are occupied fulltime will show a higher volume. And just for an example of that, i think since weve been staying at home, im sure were seeing higher water bills for those of us who worked and have our children at home from school because theres more water being flushed and run every day. If this bulk data is compiled, it will help understand the percentage of fulltime occupancy in these past approvals. Ive mentioned this before for the smaller projects that youve approved like 1099 delores which is three units and the legalizing the demo on 21st street which is two units. I think that there was a sense that they wanted you wanted a holistic approach, but do it for everybody not just individual projects. But i think this is a useful condition to impose on everyone, the burden is not that great. It is part of the businesses that a project sponsor needs to this information a project sponsor would need to compile for their own finances when they are dealing with a project. So thats my suggestion. I think its a good way to figure out whats going on with things that you approve once you identify the cuas and certainly the large project authorization. Thank you very much. Everyone have a wonderful 4th at home and take care and be safe and well. Byebye. You have three questions remaining. This is sue hester. Last weeks report, weekly report said there were no items at the board of supervisors at the land use meeting that was relevant it the Planning Department. Thats not true. As part of the problem, the Planning Department doesnt Pay Attention to things that are not in the planning code. What is not in the planning code is a, rent control, and b, Residential Hotels and c, ceqa. Theyre all in the administrative code. We have a lot of Residential Hotels, particularly in district 3, nob hill and chinatown, district 6, tenderloin and south market. Theres five mostly in the quarter and the southern area, even some in district 2. Academy of art which was before the board a couple months ago had taken over a bunch of Residential Hotels and converted them illegally as student housing. One of the things theyre trying to they are tasked to renovate is the housing back to regular housing. We have also had Residential Hotels we do have one coming up on your calendar in three weeks, 54 fourth street. Its a conversion from Residential Hotel into tourist hotel. Its governed by addendums to the code and you have to approve it because its governed by the planning code as a hotel. You have no guidance from the staff or from anyone else that i can detect on both rent control, which is different section of the planning code as well as Residential Hotels. You have the opportunity to have some of this issue really talked about. I would recommend that when you have the hearing in two weeks on the Housing Inventory update, in three weeks, july 16th, that is an opportunity to have instruction on how the staff complies with the rent control provisions and the Residential Hotel. A person like me who reviews all the notices finds a lot of rent controlled housing that is inspented by the proposed project. Staff doesnt even catch it because theyre not grounded in looking for rent controlled units that may be affected by a pros he had approved process approved. I ask you to do this, please. Thank you. You have two questions remaining. Is the caller prepared to make their general Public Comment . Yes. Your time is running. Sorry. Im just wondering, are you taking comments on the building on lawton avenue and 42nd avenue for the proposed building of the five story Apartment Building there . Maam, the 3601 lawton Street Project was continued to july 30th. So that matter sorry. July 30th. Lets go to the next caller. Okay. You have one question remaining. Hi. Im confused on the Public Comment session. On item 14, it was heard on may 28th and then Public Comment was closed. So will Public Comment for item 14 be open . It will be, yes. Great. Thank you so much. You have zero questions remaining. Very good, commissioners. That concludes the Public Comment portion of the hearing. If there are no questions by from the commissioners, we can move on to the regular calendar. For item ten, case number 2020003039pca for the arts activities and social service for philanthropic facilities for temporary uses planning Code Amendment. Are you prepared to make your presentation . Yes. Thank you. Planning Department Staff, before i give staff presentation, i wanted to introduce paul from supervisor own ans office who is here to speak on behalf of the ordinance. Can you hear me okay . Yes. Good afternoon, commissioners. Im paul and im aid to district 9. Its a pleasure to join you today. Ill be touching on legislation that seeks to establish a temporary use permit that will make it easier for nonprofit agencies that are providing arts, cultural philanthropic and social services to operate out of vacant storefronts throughout the city. Prior to the covid19 that we mind ourselves in, San Francisco was already reeling from an affordability crisis that was destabilizing our businesses and nonprofit tex sectors. We have exacerbated this for our businesses and nonprofits. You see dozens of empty storefronts and they will be expected to grow in number. As we begin the very challenging process of restoring our economy, the blight they create will undermine or neighborhood. We have dozens of nonprofit agencies and arts and cultural organizations facing displacement and are trying to find new places to operate. This legislation seeks to create a solution for establishing a new temporary use permit option that will allow nonprofit agencies providing arts and social services to operate out of unused vacant storefronts throughout the city for up to two years. Current planning code restrictions make it difficult for nonprofit, arts and social Service Organizations to open up along our commercial corridor. With this, a temporary permit would offer a fas faster, flexie way to occupy them with uses that support the health and wellbeing of our surrounding community. It will help provide access to new spaces which to operate on a short or midterm basis and that can assist during periods of transition between facilities and also minimize the disruption in programs and service delivery. On the other hand, for our owners, this will be an efficient way for storefronts but avoid fees with obtaining a blight violation or registering a vacant storefront under the program that was established last year. As we allow this initiative, we will be partnering with the diagnose inspections so Property Owners who receive notices for vacant storefronts are informed about this new temporary use permit as a way of supporting local nonprofit agencies while avoiding we will be partnering with workforce investment to support and connect nonprofit agencies at risk of displacement or experiencing transition to these owners who might be willing to bring them into their storefront. Although we introduced this back in february, after covid struck, we consulted with Planning Department staff to find ways that we could broaden the scope of the legislation so its more responsive to the present reality that we found ourselves in. We ask that we propose amendments that define covid19 relief and recovery uses such as food distribution, financial assistance, popup testing facilities, and uses that would be eligible for this brand new temporary use permit and be exempt from the application processing fee as a way to encourage the use of these type of permits. That way service providessers can use the permits as a tool to easily set up Critical Social Services in our storefronts to assist our vulnerable residents in the month of head. We believe that by creating a streamline process, this will lower this lower barrier temporary use permit will eliminate blight and promote activities as well as bolster Recovery Efforts in impacted neighborhoods throughout the city. I would like to wrap up just by expressing my appreciation to audrey and Planning Department and judy at the City Attorney as office for their guidance on this. With that, ill turn it over to audrey. Thank you. Thank you, paul. So to continue with staffs presentation, the proposed ordinance would establish a new type of temporary use authorization which would allow arts activities and social service or philanthropic facility uses as a temporary use in any nonresidential joined vacant ground floor space. The initial approval process period which paul outlined would be for one year with a oneyear possible extension available at the discretion of the Planning Department. The Planning Department has been working in conjunction with supervisor ronens office as paul mentioned. I wont go into great detail about the anticipated amendments that we have outlined in our staff report, about you buti will again state that the 1st amendment would be to define covid19 relief and recovery uses and make those uses eligible for the proposed tua and the second would be to create a fee waiver for covid19 relief and recovery uses seeking the tua through section 205. 6 as it is currently outlined. It would be a different section under the proposed amendments, but were talking about the new tua. The department has not received any Public Comment regarding the ordinance and we recommend that the commission approve with modifications the proposed ordinance. The departments proposed modifications are to include the two anticipated amendments described and which again are outlined in the executive summary. So that concludes staff presentation, and both paul and myself are available for any questions. Thanks. If that concludes staff presentation, we should open up for Public Comment. Your conference is now in questioquestionquestion and ans. To summon each question, press one then zero. This is your opportunity to comment on this planning Code Amendment by pressing one and zero to enter the queue. You have one question remaining. My name is khi, and


Transcripts For SFGTV Planning Commission 20240712

The new dwelling units there. And it would maintain the same decision on denying the variance for the open space and exposure. So if you chose not to grant the appeal, the project would be approved with the rear yard variance but not the variance for the basement unit. Okay, and i want to say one thing to the variance requester. I think that part of what you asked why this didnt meet code. And my understanding is the dimensions of the rear yard dont meet the requirements for the rear yard to provide light and air, which have even been reduced from previous dimensions. And then your proposals where you have this slant going like this is actually the opposite. So its a triangle that would go like this. So you have to maintain that space and increase that space as you go up. And so you certainly would not be able to meet that space on those alternative proposals either. So, commissioners, im prepared to support the Zoning Administrators findings. So thats where i am. So to the builder, i do like the design of the unit density. But, unfortunately, the constraints of that issue mainly caused by the size of the lot. And, you know, that was evidently evident when designing that. So i too go with the Zoning Administrator. Clerk commissioner swig. Commissioner swig sorry. For one time being polite. The basement the basement access, the basement aspect of this project just doesnt work. And, therefore, i would move against the granting of the variance and support the Zoning Administrator. Clerk commissioner tanner, you were on verge of a motion i think . Commissioner tanner yes, the motion is to deny the appeal and uphold the decision of the Zoning Administrator. I would go for that. Deny the variance. Deny the variance and hold the decision of the Zoning Administrator. Clerk okay. Deny the appeal . Commissioner tanner sorry, deny the appeal, sorry. Clerk on what basis . Commissioner tanner that the findings in the variance are appropriate. Clerk okay. If i may that it doesnt meet the it doesnt meet the standards of granting the variance, i think, is probably the right way is it not . Clerk thats true for the denial of the variance but hes granting a yard variance as well. Commissioner tanner indiscernible it does meet the findings in first and the second variance does not meet the variance. Two in one. Clerk okay. We have a motion from commissioner tanner to deny the appeal and uphold the variance decision and adopt the findings of the Zoning Administrator on the basis that the findings with respect to the rear yard variance have been met that are required under planning code section 305, have been met. However, all findings for the open im sorry for the open space and exposure variances have not been met. And so on that motion, president lazarus. Aye. Vice president honda. Aye. Commissioner swig. Aye. Okay. So that motion carries 40. And the appeal is denied. President lazarus very good. We are adjourned and i hope that everyone has a safe and sane fourth of july. We are not here next week . President lazarus we are not. Everybody have a good break. Happy holidays and thank you for your work on this and for the accommodations as well. President lazarus thanks, everyone. Bye. Before we begin, as i have been doing, i would like to enter the following into the record that on february 25th, 2020, the mayor declared a state of emergency related to covid19. Therefore, due to the health, city hall is closed. There are emergency orders to boards and commissions making it possible to hold meetings remotely. We received authorization from the Mayors Office to convene through the enter of the shelter in place. This will be our 14th remote hearing. I am requesting everyones patience in advance. The platforms will not perfect, and at times, may seem clumsy. If you are not speaking, please mute your microphone and turn off your video camera. Do not use any controls ma may affect other participants. To enable public participation, we are broadcasting and streaming live and we will receive Public Comment for each item on the agenda. We are broadcasting and streaming at the toll free number across the bottom of the screen. Comments or opportunities to speak during the Public Comment period are available via phone by calling 8882733658 and enter the code 3107452, pressing pound and pound again. When you are connected, press one and then 0 to be added to the queue. Each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes. When you have 30 seconds remaining, you will hear a chime indicating your time is almost up. When your allotted time is reached, i will announce your time is up and direct my staff to take the next person. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and mute the volume on your television or computer. At this time, i would like to take roll. [ roll call ] thank you, commissioners. First on your agenda commissioners is consideration of items proposed for continuance. Item one, 2019016388. Many ocean avenue proposed for continuance to july 23rd, 2020. Ethe second run is proposed to continuance for july 20th, 2020. The next case on lat lawton str, proposed to july 30th, 20 to. 20. The next one Health Care Services master plan is proposed for continuance to august 27th, 2020. Item five, at 3074 pacific avenue, review has been withdrawn. Commissioners, i have no other items to propose for continuance. We should open this up for Public Comment. Your conference is now in question and answer mode. To summon each question, press one and then zero. As a reminder, this is your opportunity to call in to the 800 number and press one and then zero to enter the queue. Do we have any callers . You have four questions remaining. Hello. Can you hear me okay . We can. Yes. Im calling because i was notified of this meeting by the San Francisco Labor Council, and im calling on the topic of the amazon project thats apparently trying to set up a Grocery Store and i want to point out from a union point of view, thats not appropriate. Im not sure if this is the right time for comment on that. That will come up later on the agenda and your opportunity to address that will present itself when the item is called and we take Public Comment for that. You have two questions remaining. Hello. My name is Larry Griffen and im calling as the previous caller to speak about the amazon whole foods issue. I will remain in will my place remain in line when were called . You have one question remaining. Caller, are you prepared to submit your Public Comment . They rung up. No more callers. Very good, commissioners. The matter is now before you. Commissioner moore. Move to continue as noted. Second. Thank you, commissioners. On that motion to continue items as proposed. [ roll call ] so moved, commissioners. It passes 70 placing under under 6, consideration of draft minutes for the june 11th, 2020 hearing. Do i hear a motion . Public comment. Thank you. Appreciate that. We should take Public Comment for that matter. Your conference is in question and answer mode. To summon each question press one and then zero. Do we have any yes. You have three questions remaining. I will remind members of the public that this Public Comment is addressing the minutes only. It is addressing what only . Is it. The minutes. Sorry. Im confused as to how the commenting works. When the item is called that you would like to comment on, that will be the opportunity to press one and zero to get into the queue. Otherwise, youll be in the queue for every item that we call. So then what i dont understand is proposed for continuance because is it that item three is not going to be addressed until some later meeting . Thats what im unclear on. Item three was just continued to july 30th. So 3601 lawton street. Thats what i needed to know. Perfect. Thank you so much. Im done. You have two questions remaining. Did everyone get a copy of the minutes . Were those sent out. Theyre available online, sir. They were made available a week ago. Thank you. You have one question remaining. I would like to comment im sorry. Im still confused about this. Im not sure where im supposed to be. Im looking at the agenda, and i dont see anything online on the agenda that i want to speak to. I want to speak to the amazon issue. Right. If you just hold on, sir, and keep watching the hearing, we will get to that matter at a later time today. At that time, when i request for Public Comment, then you press one and zero to enter the queue. Okay. But there is no agenda online with a separate item. Correct . Yes, there is. If you go to our web page under sf planning and go to the Planning Commission, you will find our agenda. Im looking at it. Theres nothing on there, sir. It just says special calendar 1, 2, and items 3. Then item 3 the previous closed session. Right. That was the previous agenda. There is another agenda for the regular hearing. If you open that, you will see all the items that were going to address now. Okay. Thank you very much. Its item 14. Yeah. Commissioner moore you have zero questions remaining. It appears as though you were sharing your screen. If you could hit the down arrow in the middle on your floating menu bar, you will no longer share your screen. There you go. That was the right button. Yeah. Perfect. Thank you. Commissioners, well get through this one day. Now the matter is before you. Commissioner fung. Move to adopt the minutes. Second . Second to adopt the minutes. [ roll call ] so moved commissioners. That motion passes 70. Item 7, commission comments and questions. Seeing no comments or questions, commissioners, we can move on to department matters. Item 8, announcements. I have no items for today. Great. Item 9, review of past events of the board of supervisors. I dont have a report from the board of appeals and the Preservation Commission did not meet yesterday. I will just announce that they did cancel their july 1st hearing. So they will reconvene on july 15th. Commissioner star. Good afternoon, commissioners. Aaron star, manager of legislative affairs. The Land Use Committee authorized 9 Planning Department to apply for 1. 5 million in early Action Planning Grant Program funds for the California Department of housing and community development. Four citywide planning projects that streamline housing approval and accelerate housing production. During the hearing planning made a presentation. There was no comment and the item was recommended to the full board as a committee report. This week, the full board considered the conditional use appeal for 95norhop. They came to an agreement and the supervisor made a motion to amend the authorization to include the agreed upon compromise. Compromise included lower the height of the proposed buildings by two fee feet and require a 12foot front set back and stilted foundation on any proposed building on the proposed lot that faces the avenue. Since they had agreed on a compromise, Public Comment was minimal and planning sorry and planning did not present. The board voted to approve and file the hearing. Also, the appeal for the condition allution authorization at 1420 was continued for one week and the grant expenditure resolution was passed. Thats all i have for you today. Okay. Seeing no questions for mr. Star, we can move on to general Public Comment. At this time, members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. Your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached until the meeting. Each member may address up to 3 minutes. When the number of speakers exceed the 15 minute limit comment may be moved to the end of the agenda. So i will stress again this is not Public Comment for the whole foods matter that we will hear later today. This is general Public Comment only for those items that are not listed on the agenda. Lets go to Public Comment. Your conference is now in questioquestion and answer mode. To summon each question, press one then zero. Again, members of the public, this is your opportunity to call in to the 800 number if you want to enter the queue. You have two questions remaining. Oh, good afternoon. Hello, everyone. Its georgia shooters. I want to comment on something that i think should be done within six months of the cfc issued. The project sponsor should be required to send the following info to the Planning Department, and this is for projects that didnt comply with the cua or large project authorization. I think they should send the information on the status of the property if its been sold or rented, more than one unit. Percentage of occupancy in the larger buildings or even threeunit building, and the type of tenure, whether its rented or condo or whatever. Once that data is received through this process, various project sponsors, the cumulative amount will give the commissioners and the public an understanding of how approvals are adding to the Residential Housing stock or not. For example, for existing large multi unit buildings, Something Else that you could do, which would be those buildings that have been approved within the last ten years, primarily throughout the eastern neighborhoods, the bulk data should be collected from the Water Department to understand usage. Units that are occupied only parttime will show a lower rate of usage while units that are occupied fulltime will show a higher volume. And just for an example of that, i think since weve been staying at home, im sure were seeing higher water bills for those of us who worked and have our children at home from school because theres more water being flushed and run every day. If this bulk data is compiled, it will help understand the percentage of fulltime occupancy in these past approvals. Ive mentioned this before for the smaller projects that youve approved like 1099 delores which is three units and the legalizing the demo on 21st street which is two units. I think that there was a sense that they wanted you wanted a holistic approach, but do it for everybody not just individual projects. But i think this is a useful condition to impose on everyone, the burden is not that great. It is part of the businesses that a project sponsor needs to this information a project sponsor would need to compile for their own finances when they are dealing with a project. So thats my suggestion. I think its a good way to figure out whats going on with things that you approve once you identify the cuas and certainly the large project authorization. Thank you very much. Everyone have a wonderful 4th at home and take care and be safe and well. Byebye. You have three questions remaining. This is sue hester. Last weeks report, weekly report said there were no items at the board of supervisors at the land use meeting that was relevant it the Planning Department. Thats not true. As part of the problem, the Planning Department doesnt Pay Attention to things that are not in the planning code. What is not in the planning code is a, rent control, and b, Residential Hotels and c, ceqa. Theyre all in the administrative code. We have a lot of Residential Hotels, particularly in district 3, nob hill and chinatown, district 6, tenderloin and south market. Theres five mostly in the quarter and the southern area, even some in district 2. Academy of art which was before the board a couple months ago had taken over a bunch of Residential Hotels and converted them illegally as student housing. One of the things theyre trying to they are tasked to renovate is the housing back to regular housing. We have also had Residential Hotels we do have one coming up on your calendar in three weeks, 54 fourth street. Its a conversion from Residential Hotel into tourist hotel. Its governed by addendums to the code and you have to approve it because its governed by the planning code as a hotel. You have no guidance from the staff or from anyone else that i can detect on both rent control, which is different section of the planning code as well as Residential Hotels. You have the opportunity to have some of this issue really talked about. I would recommend that when you have the hearing in two weeks on the Housing Inventory update, in three weeks, july 16th, that is an opportunity to have instruction on how the staff complies with the rent control provisions and the Residential Hotel. A person like me who reviews all the notices finds a lot of rent controlled housing that is inspented by the proposed project. Staff doesnt even catch it because theyre not grounded in looking for rent controlled units that may be affected by a pros he had approved process approved. I ask you to do this, please. Thank you. You have two questions remaining. Is the caller prepared to make their general Public Comment . Yes. Your time is running. Sorry. Im just wondering, are you taking comments on the building on lawton avenue and 42nd avenue for the proposed building of the five story Apartment Building there . Maam, the 3601 lawton Street Project was continued to july 30th. So that matter sorry. July 30th. Lets go to the next caller. Okay. You have one question remaining. Hi. Im confused on the Public Comment session. On item 14, it was heard on may 28th and then Public Comment was closed. So will Public Comment for item 14 be open . It will be, yes. Great. Thank you so much. You have zero questions remaining. Very good, commissioners. That concludes the Public Comment portion of the hearing. If there are no questions by from the commissioners, we can move on to the regular calendar. For item ten, case number 2020003039pca for the arts activities and social service for philanthropic facilities for temporary uses planning Code Amendment. Are you prepared to make your presentation . Yes. Thank you. Planning Department Staff, before i give staff presentation, i wanted to introduce paul from supervisor own ans office who is here to speak on behalf of the ordinance. Can you hear me okay . Yes. Good afternoon, commissioners. Im paul and im aid to district 9. Its a pleasure to join you today. Ill be touching on legislation that seeks to establish a temporary use permit that will make it easier for nonprofit agencies that are providing arts, cultural philanthropic and social services to operate out of vacant storefronts throughout the city. Prior to the covid19 that we mind ourselves in, San Francisco was already reeling from an affordability crisis that was destabilizing our businesses and nonprofit tex sectors. We have exacerbated this for our businesses and nonprofits. You see dozens of empty storefronts and they will be expected to grow in number. As we begin the very challenging process of restoring our economy, the blight they create will undermine or neighborhood. We have dozens of nonprofit agencies and arts and cultural organizations facing displacement and are trying to find new places to operate. This legislation seeks to create a solution for establishing a new temporary use permit option that will allow nonprofit agencies providing arts and social services to operate out of unused vacant storefronts throughout the city for up to two years. Current planning code restrictions make it difficult for nonprofit, arts and social Service Organizations to open up along our commercial corridor. With this, a temporary permit would offer a fas faster, flexie way to occupy them with uses that support the health and wellbeing of our surrounding community. It will help provide access to new spaces which to operate on a short or midterm basis and that can assist during periods of transition between facilities and also minimize the disruption in programs and service delivery. On the other hand, for our owners, this will be an efficient way for storefronts but avoid fees with obtaining a blight violation or registering a vacant storefront under the program that was established last year.


Transcripts For SFGTV Planning Commission 20240712

Affect other participants. To enable public participation, we are broadcasting and streaming live and we will receive Public Comment for each item on the agenda. We are broadcasting and streaming at the toll free number across the bottom of the screen. Comments or opportunities to speak during the Public Comment period are available via phone by calling 8882733658 and enter the code 3107452, pressing pound and pound again. When you are connected, press one and then 0 to be added to the queue. Each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes. When you have 30 seconds remaining, you will hear a chime indicating your time is almost up. When your allotted time is reached, i will announce your time is up and direct my staff to take the next person. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and mute the volume on your television or computer. At this time, i would like to take roll. [ roll call ] thank you, commissioners. First on your agenda commissioners is consideration of items proposed for continuance. Item one, 2019016388. Many ocean avenue proposed for continuance to july 23rd, 2020. Ethe second run is proposed to continuance for july 20th, 2020. The next case on lat lawton str, proposed to july 30th, 20 to. 20. The next one Health Care Services master plan is proposed for continuance to august 27th, 2020. Item five, at 3074 pacific avenue, review has been withdrawn. Commissioners, i have no other items to propose for continuance. We should open this up for Public Comment. Your conference is now in question and answer mode. To summon each question, press one and then zero. As a reminder, this is your opportunity to call in to the 800 number and press one and then zero to enter the queue. Do we have any callers . You have four questions remaining. Hello. Can you hear me okay . We can. Yes. Im calling because i was notified of this meeting by the San Francisco Labor Council, and im calling on the topic of the amazon project thats apparently trying to set up a Grocery Store and i want to point out from a union point of view, thats not appropriate. Im not sure if this is the right time for comment on that. That will come up later on the agenda and your opportunity to address that will present itself when the item is called and we take Public Comment for that. You have two questions remaining. Hello. My name is Larry Griffen and im calling as the previous caller to speak about the amazon whole foods issue. I will remain in will my place remain in line when were called . You have one question remaining. Caller, are you prepared to submit your Public Comment . They rung up. No more callers. Very good, commissioners. The matter is now before you. Commissioner moore. Move to continue as noted. Second. Thank you, commissioners. On that motion to continue items as proposed. [ roll call ] so moved, commissioners. It passes 70 placing under under 6, consideration of draft minutes for the june 11th, 2020 hearing. Do i hear a motion . Public comment. Thank you. Appreciate that. We should take Public Comment for that matter. Your conference is in question and answer mode. To summon each question press one and then zero. Do we have any yes. You have three questions remaining. I will remind members of the public that this Public Comment is addressing the minutes only. It is addressing what only . Is it. The minutes. Sorry. Im confused as to how the commenting works. When the item is called that you would like to comment on, that will be the opportunity to press one and zero to get into the queue. Otherwise, youll be in the queue for every item that we call. So then what i dont understand is proposed for continuance because is it that item three is not going to be addressed until some later meeting . Thats what im unclear on. Item three was just continued to july 30th. So 3601 lawton street. Thats what i needed to know. Perfect. Thank you so much. Im done. You have two questions remaining. Did everyone get a copy of the minutes . Were those sent out. Theyre available online, sir. They were made available a week ago. Thank you. You have one question remaining. I would like to comment im sorry. Im still confused about this. Im not sure where im supposed to be. Im looking at the agenda, and i dont see anything online on the agenda that i want to speak to. I want to speak to the amazon issue. Right. If you just hold on, sir, and keep watching the hearing, we will get to that matter at a later time today. At that time, when i request for Public Comment, then you press one and zero to enter the queue. Okay. But there is no agenda online with a separate item. Correct . Yes, there is. If you go to our web page under sf planning and go to the Planning Commission, you will find our agenda. Im looking at it. Theres nothing on there, sir. It just says special calendar 1, 2, and items 3. Then item 3 the previous closed session. Right. That was the previous agenda. There is another agenda for the regular hearing. If you open that, you will see all the items that were going to address now. Okay. Thank you very much. Its item 14. Yeah. Commissioner moore you have zero questions remaining. It appears as though you were sharing your screen. If you could hit the down arrow in the middle on your floating menu bar, you will no longer share your screen. There you go. That was the right button. Yeah. Perfect. Thank you. Commissioners, well get through this one day. Now the matter is before you. Commissioner fung. Move to adopt the minutes. Second . Second to adopt the minutes. [ roll call ] so moved commissioners. That motion passes 70. Item 7, commission comments and questions. Seeing no comments or questions, commissioners, we can move on to department matters. Item 8, announcements. I have no items for today. Great. Item 9, review of past events of the board of supervisors. I dont have a report from the board of appeals and the Preservation Commission did not meet yesterday. I will just announce that they did cancel their july 1st hearing. So they will reconvene on july 15th. Commissioner star. Good afternoon, commissioners. Aaron star, manager of legislative affairs. The Land Use Committee authorized 9 Planning Department to apply for 1. 5 million in early Action Planning Grant Program funds for the California Department of housing and community development. Four citywide planning projects that streamline housing approval and accelerate housing production. During the hearing planning made a presentation. There was no comment and the item was recommended to the full board as a committee report. This week, the full board considered the conditional use appeal for 95norhop. They came to an agreement and the supervisor made a motion to amend the authorization to include the agreed upon compromise. Compromise included lower the height of the proposed buildings by two fee feet and require a 12foot front set back and stilted foundation on any proposed building on the proposed lot that faces the avenue. Since they had agreed on a compromise, Public Comment was minimal and planning sorry and planning did not present. The board voted to approve and file the hearing. Also, the appeal for the condition allution authorization at 1420 was continued for one week and the grant expenditure resolution was passed. Thats all i have for you today. Okay. Seeing no questions for mr. Star, we can move on to general Public Comment. At this time, members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. Your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached until the meeting. Each member may address up to 3 minutes. When the number of speakers exceed the 15 minute limit comment may be moved to the end of the agenda. So i will stress again this is not Public Comment for the whole foods matter that we will hear later today. This is general Public Comment only for those items that are not listed on the agenda. Lets go to Public Comment. Your conference is now in questioquestion and answer mode. To summon each question, press one then zero. Again, members of the public, this is your opportunity to call in to the 800 number if you want to enter the queue. You have two questions remaining. Oh, good afternoon. Hello, everyone. Its georgia shooters. I want to comment on something that i think should be done within six months of the cfc issued. The project sponsor should be required to send the following info to the Planning Department, and this is for projects that didnt comply with the cua or large project authorization. I think they should send the information on the status of the property if its been sold or rented, more than one unit. Percentage of occupancy in the larger buildings or even threeunit building, and the type of tenure, whether its rented or condo or whatever. Once that data is received through this process, various project sponsors, the cumulative amount will give the commissioners and the public an understanding of how approvals are adding to the Residential Housing stock or not. For example, for existing large multi unit buildings, Something Else that you could do, which would be those buildings that have been approved within the last ten years, primarily throughout the eastern neighborhoods, the bulk data should be collected from the Water Department to understand usage. Units that are occupied only parttime will show a lower rate of usage while units that are occupied fulltime will show a higher volume. And just for an example of that, i think since weve been staying at home, im sure were seeing higher water bills for those of us who worked and have our children at home from school because theres more water being flushed and run every day. If this bulk data is compiled, it will help understand the percentage of fulltime occupancy in these past approvals. Ive mentioned this before for the smaller projects that youve approved like 1099 delores which is three units and the legalizing the demo on 21st street which is two units. I think that there was a sense that they wanted you wanted a holistic approach, but do it for everybody not just individual projects. But i think this is a useful condition to impose on everyone, the burden is not that great. It is part of the businesses that a project sponsor needs to this information a project sponsor would need to compile for their own finances when they are dealing with a project. So thats my suggestion. I think its a good way to figure out whats going on with things that you approve once you identify the cuas and certainly the large project authorization. Thank you very much. Everyone have a wonderful 4th at home and take care and be safe and well. Byebye. You have three questions remaining. This is sue hester. Last weeks report, weekly report said there were no items at the board of supervisors at the land use meeting that was relevant it the Planning Department. Thats not true. As part of the problem, the Planning Department doesnt Pay Attention to things that are not in the planning code. What is not in the planning code is a, rent control, and b, Residential Hotels and c, ceqa. Theyre all in the administrative code. We have a lot of Residential Hotels, particularly in district 3, nob hill and chinatown, district 6, tenderloin and south market. Theres five mostly in the quarter and the southern area, even some in district 2. Academy of art which was before the board a couple months ago had taken over a bunch of Residential Hotels and converted them illegally as student housing. One of the things theyre trying to they are tasked to renovate is the housing back to regular housing. We have also had Residential Hotels we do have one coming up on your calendar in three weeks, 54 fourth street. Its a conversion from Residential Hotel into tourist hotel. Its governed by addendums to the code and you have to approve it because its governed by the planning code as a hotel. You have no guidance from the staff or from anyone else that i can detect on both rent control, which is different section of the planning code as well as Residential Hotels. You have the opportunity to have some of this issue really talked about. I would recommend that when you have the hearing in two weeks on the Housing Inventory update, in three weeks, july 16th, that is an opportunity to have instruction on how the staff complies with the rent control provisions and the Residential Hotel. A person like me who reviews all the notices finds a lot of rent controlled housing that is inspented by the proposed project. Staff doesnt even catch it because theyre not grounded in looking for rent controlled units that may be affected by a pros he had approved process approved. I ask you to do this, please. Thank you. You have two questions remaining. Is the caller prepared to make their general Public Comment . Yes. Your time is running. Sorry. Im just wondering, are you taking comments on the building on lawton avenue and 42nd avenue for the proposed building of the five story Apartment Building there . Maam, the 3601 lawton Street Project was continued to july 30th. So that matter sorry. July 30th. Lets go to the next caller. Okay. You have one question remaining. Hi. Im confused on the Public Comment session. On item 14, it was heard on may 28th and then Public Comment was closed. So will Public Comment for item 14 be open . It will be, yes. Great. Thank you so much. You have zero questions remaining. Very good, commissioners. That concludes the Public Comment portion of the hearing. If there are no questions by from the commissioners, we can move on to the regular calendar. For item ten, case number 2020003039pca for the arts activities and social service for philanthropic facilities for temporary uses planning Code Amendment. Are you prepared to make your presentation . Yes. Thank you. Planning Department Staff, before i give staff presentation, i wanted to introduce paul from supervisor own ans office who is here to speak on behalf of the ordinance. Can you hear me okay . Yes. Good afternoon, commissioners. Im paul and im aid to district 9. Its a pleasure to join you today. Ill be touching on legislation that seeks to establish a temporary use permit that will make it easier for nonprofit agencies that are providing arts, cultural philanthropic and social services to operate out of vacant storefronts throughout the city. Prior to the covid19 that we mind ourselves in, San Francisco was already reeling from an affordability crisis that was destabilizing our businesses and nonprofit tex sectors. We have exacerbated this for our businesses and nonprofits. You see dozens of empty storefronts and they will be expected to grow in number. As we begin the very challenging process of restoring our economy, the blight they create will undermine or neighborhood. We have dozens of nonprofit agencies and arts and cultural organizations facing displacement and are trying to find new places to operate. This legislation seeks to create a solution for establishing a new temporary use permit option that will allow nonprofit agencies providing arts and social services to operate out of unused vacant storefronts throughout the city for up to two years. Current planning code restrictions make it difficult for nonprofit, arts and social Service Organizations to open up along our commercial corridor. With this, a temporary permit would offer a fas faster, flexie way to occupy them with uses that support the health and wellbeing of our surrounding community. It will help provide access to new spaces which to operate on a short or midterm basis and that can assist during periods of transition between facilities and also minimize the disruption in programs and service delivery. On the other hand, for our owners, this will be an efficient way for storefronts but avoid fees with obtaining a blight violation or registering a vacant storefront under the program that was established last year. As we allow this initiative, we will be partnering with the diagnose inspections so Property Owners who receive notices for vacant storefronts are informed about this new temporary use permit as a way of supporting local nonprofit agencies while avoiding we will be partnering with workforce investment to support and connect nonprofit agencies at risk of displacement or experiencing transition to these owners who might be willing to bring them into their storefront. Although we introduced this back in february, after covid struck, we consulted with Planning Department staff to find ways that we could broaden the scope of the legislation so its more responsive to the present reality that we found ourselves in. We ask that we propose amendments that define covid19 relief and recovery uses such as food distribution, financial assistance, popup testing facilities, and uses that would be eligible for this brand new temporary use permit and be exempt from the application processing fee as a way to encourage the use of these type of permits. That way service providessers can use the permits as a tool to easily set up Critical Social Services in our storefronts to assist our vulnerable residents in the month of head. We believe that by creating a streamline process, this will lower this lower barrier temporary use permit will eliminate blight and promote activities as well as bolster Recovery Efforts in impacted neighborhoods throughout the city. I would like to wrap up just by expressing my appreciation to audrey and Planning Department and judy at the City Attorney as office for their guidance on this. With that, ill turn it over to audrey. Thank you. Thank you, paul. So to continue with staffs presentation, the proposed ordinance would establish a new type of temporary use authorization which would allow arts activities and social service or philanthropic facility uses as a temporary use in any nonresidential joined vacant ground floor space. The initial approval process period which paul outlined would be for one year with a oneyear possible extension available at the discretion of the Planning Department. The Planning Department has been working in conjunction with supervisor ronens office as paul mentioned. I wont go into great detail about the anticipated amendments that we have outlined in our staff report, about you buti will again state that the 1st amendment would be to define covid19 relief and recovery uses and make those uses eligible for the proposed tua and the second would be to create a fee waiver for covid19 relief and recovery uses seeking the tua through section 205. 6 as it is currently outlined. It would be a different section under the proposed amendments, but were talking about the new tua. The department has not received any Public Comment regarding the ordinance and we recommend that the commission approve with modifications the proposed ordinance. The departments proposed modifications are to include the two anticipated amendments described and which again are outlined in the executive summary. So that concludes staff presentation, and both paul and myself are available for any questions. Thanks. If that concludes staff presentation, we should open up for Public Comment. Your conference is now in questioquestionquestion and ans. To summon each question, press one then zero. This is your opportunity to comment on this planning Code Amendment by pressing one and zero to enter the queue. You have one question remaining. My name is khi, and i live on 3601 lawton street. I dont want any new we are not taking Public Comment on that. That will be heard on july 30th. Lets go to the next caller. You have zero questions remaining. Very good commissioners. The matter is before you. Im excited to see this and thank all those for bringing it forward to us. Over the course of my experience on the Planning Commission talked a lot about nonprofit


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