described him as a gravely mentally ill man. bill, back to you. bill: entirely too creep toy hear his voice and watch that tape. alisyn: it was designed to bring down the cost of health care. today a new report on the president s overhaul, showing we are about to see a fight. bill: and we knew he was a radical cleric, born in new mexico and living in yell men and what we did not know, he may have been aware the 9/11 plots of the 9/11 plots, before the attacks happened, living here in virginia and fox news goes inside links to the day the world was changed for good. buried on page 517 in a footnote from the 9/11 commission report is a reference to four phone calls on february 4, 2000 between an imam and anwar al-awlaki. there s a whole world missing when you search on orbitz.