[Kenya] Breaking the silence
It is 37 degrees on this day in Turkana West Sub county as we walk to a compound where one of our girls focus groups discussions are being held. We expect to get feedback from girls, women, boys and men on menstrual health issues following a distribution of 8,000 reusable sanitary pads, that were locally produced, to girls aged 9-14 years and caregivers 14-50 years. Dubbed the Kerry Pad, these materials are expected to provide vulnerable girls with some sense of security and comfort during their menstrual period. Previously, the girls had to rely on donations and well-wishers to ensure they managed this monthly occurrence. A unique partnership between the Kerry Pad manufacturers and Peace Winds Japan (PWJ) seeks to ensure that more and more girls can safely manage their monthly period in dignity. A pilot project, that ran from February-December saw 4,000 girls receive the pads coupled with training around Menstrual Health.