In our previous column, we presented evidence of the harmful effects of the excessive amount of protein that is usually part of the standard animal-based diet that most of our people now consume. In this column, we will focus on another harmful effect of an animal-based diet that typically includ.
The diet of the closest ‘relative’ of humans -the chimpanzee- is almost purely plant-based. Genetic testing has demonstrated that human and chimpanzee DNA is identical, except for minor genetic differences, which nevertheless have led over many millions of years to important evolutionary differen.
As reported in our previous column, it is METI’s experience that exercise alone will not control obesity.For that to happen, an integrated lifestyle change approach is required that predominantly focuses on ‘healthy eating’, (which means adopting a whole foods plant-based (WFPB) diet that avoids .
People have been conditioned to think of exercise as a key ingredient perhaps the most important ingredient of any weight loss effort. Think of the ‘Fika Fou’ program we have been watching for years on our Television screens and the National Daily Preoccupation with Zumba.But in truth, and so.
Last year, we devoted one of our columns to discussing the amazing power of Koko Samoa (Samoan Cocoa), as part of the whole foods plant-based (WFPB) diet that METI promotes, to improve heart and vascular health (cardio-vascular health). We explained that cocoa beans are one of the richest sources.