. jesse: cnn lies. this week they were forced into a confession. they said joe rogan was taking shores dewormer for covid. see was taking the livestock dewormer i ever economic continue. ivermectin. vets give pets different versions of . .
. jesse: cnn lies. this week they were forced into a confession. they said joe rogan was taking shores dewormer for covid. see was taking the livestock dewormer i ever economic continue. ivermectin. vets give pets different versions of ivermectin but that s not what rogan took. that would be like if he ate a carrot and cnn said he ate horse
. jesse: cnn lies. this week they were forced into a confession. they said joe rogan was taking shores dewormer for covid. see was taking the livestock dewormer i ever economic continue. ivermectin. vets give pets different versions of ivermectin but that s not what rogan took. that would be like if he ate a carrot and cnn said he ate horse
jesse: cnn lies. this week they were forced into a confession. they said joe rogan was taking shores dewormer for covid. see was taking the livestock dewormer i ever economic continue. ivermectin. vets give pets different versions of ivermectin but that s not what rogan took. that would be like if he ate a carrot and cnn said he ate horse
let s hope in the end someone is punished for it, severely. the podcast host joe rogan came down with covid. he says he s been taking the livestock dewormer as well as other treatments that people talk about on the internet and doesn t have any effect on covid. did you ever expect that you would have, i guess to compete, with the likes of tucker carlson and joe rogen, dr. fauci, and are their voices more power, more widespread than people like yourself? other public health expert who is are out there and isn t that part of the problem? well, jim, disinformation and misinformation is really a very serious issue when it comes to a public health issue like