Climate research to mitigate many future risks looming over us: atmospheric scientists
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Climate research to mitigate many future risks looming over us: atmospheric scientists
TNN | Dec 15, 2020, 11:01 IST
South Asian Institute for Advanced Research and Development (SAIARD) Centre for Climate Research started its journey on Saturday with an unique e-conference attended by a galaxy of luminaries in the field of meteorology, atmospheric and climate science. SAIARD, a research and advocacy institute, has zeroed in on this climate research which is likely to determine various aspects of human lives in not a distant future.
The e-conference was an eye-opener on various micro and macro climatic changes in and around us. Dr A K Sahay of Indian Institute Of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune showed an extreme climatic pattern in North Bengal where maximum temperature has increased and minimum temperature decreased. Across Bengal, he said wet monsoon gets wetter and dry monsoo