The court also found allegations of threat to life as "bald and vague." "Neither any supportive material has been placed on record by the petitioners to corroborate their allegations, nor even any single instance pertaining to the manner and mode of alleged threats being extended to the petitioners has been anywhere disclosed," the court said. HC on Live-In Relationship: Man Living 'Lustful and Adulterous' Life With a Woman Without Divorcing His Spouse Can't Be Called Live-In Relationship, Says Punjab and Haryana High Court.
"Without obtaining any valid decree of divorce from his earlier spouse and during the subsistence of his earlier marriage, the petitioner No.2 (man in live-in relationship) is living a lustful and adulterous life with the petitioner No.1 (woman in live-in relationship), which may constitute an offence punishable under Sections 494/495 of the IPC, as such a relationship does not fall within the phrase of live-in relationship or relationship in the nature of marriage," the court said in its order.
The court observed the woman in the live-in-relationship was unmarried while the man was married and had been living separately from his wife due to strained relations. - Man Living With Woman Without Divorcing Wife Can t Be Called Live-In Relationship: High Court