Army Photographer Took Final Photo From Blast After That She Lost Her Life : सेना चाहे किसी भी देश की हो उसमें काम करने वाले जवान इंसान ही होते हैं, ठीक वैसे ही जैसे हम हैं, सैनिक भी वैसे ही होते हैं। उन्हें भी दर्द होता है, वो भी जख्मी होते हैं, उनका भी परिवार होता है, उन्हें भी नींद आती है, हर देश का सैनिक इंसान ही होता है। पर यह बात हमें समझ नहीं आती। साल 2013 की बात है। जब एक फोटोग्राफर ने ऐसी तस्वीर खींची जिसने दुनिया को बता दिया कि सैन�
Residents living near Fort Carson should expect to hear occasional loud noises for the next two weeks as the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team conducts large caliber live-fire training, according
for these types of scenarios. the constant rehearsal and live fire training. but you know, it s to produce this type of actionable intelligence that these guys can execute on is pretty amazing to see that in action. but, you know, these guys are going in this type of mission, it s very intimate, up close, and personal. they re going room to room, very methodically. the fact that they re just able to pull this off flawlessly, it just it shows you how well trained these guys are. yeah. former navy seal, thank you very much, appreciate your insights there. no problem, thanks. the u.s. has issued a worldwide travel alert for americans traveling abroad. the state department says u.s. citizens outside the country need to be extra vigilant because of the threat of violence from terrorists. cnn foreign affairs correspondent jill doughterty at the u.s. state department.
palms, the marines corps combat center, we have pushed farther into this base than any news crew with a satellite truck ever has and we ll bring you live coverage of life fire live fire training, right after this.