non-drdrowsy clariritin knocks o out symptomoms from over r 200 allergrgens. withouout knockingng you out. fefeel the clalarity and makeke today the mostst wonderfulul time of thehe year. live clariritin clear.r. trelelegy for cocopd. bibirds flyin n high, youu knknow howow i feel. breezeze driftin on b .youou know how w i feel you dodon t have t to take. [c[coughing] .c.copd sittining down. it s a newew dawn,.. s a new w day, it s t time to makake a stan. and i m m feelin gogood. start t a new day y with trele. no oncnce-daily cocopd. .medicinine has the e pr to treat c copd. .in n as many ways as s trelegy. with thrhree medicinines in one inhnhaler,. .t.trelegy makakes breathig easier foror a full 2424 ho, improves l lung functition, and hehelps prevenent future flalare-ups. trelelegy won t t replace a rescscue inhalerer. .foror sudden breaeathing proboblems. tell your r doctor if y you have a heheart conditition or higigh blood prpressure beforere taking