An 18-year-old youth from Uttarakhand was arrested in Delhi’s Rohini with two illegal firearms and live cartridges, police said on Saturday. They said Pradeep Singh, who dropped out after class 8th, was inspired by the Lawrence Bishnoi-Goldy Brar gang and wanted to become like them.
A police
While probing into an armed robbery case lodged at Hadapsar police station, a crime branch team led by senior police inspector Shrihari Bahirat and assistant commissioner of police Sunil Tambe laid a trap and intercepted a car near Sonar bridge in Fursungi on September 9.
The Nigerian Army, on Friday, said troops of Operation Still Waters III arrested eight cultists in Bayelsa State, two kidnappers in Edo State, and rescued one
The accused, identified as Ajay Kumar of Peeru Banda Salem Tabri, was presently residing in Jassian village; He was taken into custody following a tip-off near the Upkar Nagar Dussehra Ground