Taipei, July 14 (CNA) The Pingtung Forest District Office will hold a series of eight events at which residents will be offered a cash bounty to help remove an invasive plant that has been nicknamed "mile-a-minute vine" and "green cancer" because of its rampant growth.
The Pingtung Forest District Office is to hold a series of eight events offering residents a cash bounty to help remove an invasive plant nicknamed “mile-a-minute vine” and “green cancer” because of its rampant growth.
Mikania micrantha thrives in humid, sunny climates, and is commonly found in orchards, fallow fields and on mountainsides at elevations below 1,000m, the forestry office said in a news release.
Listed among the world’s 100 most invasive species, the vines grow densely on native plants and trees, smothering them by blocking their access to sunlight, the office said.
The vines are extremely hard to eradicate, as even small
/ Staff writer, with CNAThe Pingtung Forest District Office is to hold a series of eight events offering residents a cash bounty to help remove an invasive plant nicknamed “mile-a-minute vine” and “green cancer” because of its rampant growth.