The nomination for Indian-Canadian director Nisha Pahuja s To Kill a Tiger this week marks a remarkable run for India-related documentary films at the Academy Awards in recent years. More documentaries from and on India have earned Academy nominations than Indian feature films.
In his debut novel – "Le dernier Syrien" – Syrian journalist and author Omar Youssef Souleimane looks back on the protest movement of 2011, a time when many in Syria hoped for societal change and democratic structures. Volker Kaminski read the German-language version of the book for
In his debut novel – "Le dernier Syrien" – Syrian journalist and author Omar Youssef Souleimane looks back on the protest movement of 2011, a time when many in Syria hoped for societal change and democratic structures. Volker Kaminski read the German-language version of the book for
Perhaps the only memorial for the martyrs of the 1971 war in Pakistan stands quietly and forgotten near the village Barach, about 25 kilometers southeast of Mithi, the desert district headquarters of Tharparkar.
My Fancies are Fireflies, Specks of Living Light Twinkling in the Dark is a must read book for NGOs working with children, those trying to raise funds and those looking for dedicated workers who can build novel institutions