All, neither the commission nor staff will respond during Public Comment. If there is an item of interest to you that is not on the agenda and under the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission, you may speak under general Public Comment and that is item 4. If the fire alarms evacuate, you must exit the building in an orderly fashion. Please note the elevators will return to the first floor and are not available for use. If you need assistance out of the building make your way to the closest area of refuge which is directly across the hall in the mens washroom. Put the button on the speaker phone and staff will assist you. We are at item 2, president s report. President buell it is appropriate to welcome ashley summers, our new secretary of the commission. [ applause ]. Thank you. President buell were very fortunate in that ashley was legislative aide to supervisor katie tang and she worked in the Mayors Office and was a past member of prozak and even did some work for the recreat
Public comment and that is item 4. If the fire alarms evacuate, you must exit the building in an orderly fashion. Please note the elevators will return to the first floor and are not available for use. If you need assistance out of the building make your way to the closest area of refuge which is directly across the hall in the mens washroom. Put the button on the speaker phone and staff will assist you. We are at item 2, president s report. President buell it is appropriate to welcome ashley summers, our new secretary of the commission. [ applause ]. Thank you. President buell were very fortunate in that ashley was legislative aide to supervisor katie tang and she worked in the Mayors Office and was a past member of prozak and even did some work for the recreation and Park Department in the past. So weve got a real pro and we welcome her aboard. She has very big shoes to fill. On that note this is probably margarets last meeting here, but were going to drag her back at a future meetin
Know, guys. About 2 30, shots were fired and two males were hit. We have behind us, still very much an active scene. This is at 61st place near lowell. The Oakland Police crime sing technicians and sergeants are coming the scene for evidence we understand these two men, we dont have their ages, were taken to the hospital and are expected to survive. I can from with officers that know suspects are in custody but we do not know a motive but this happened about 2 30 near 61st and low. I want to call your attention to we spoke to Jeremy Peterson who they witnessed. Jeremy, can you tell me what you heard and what you were doing at the time . I work across the street right here at sbi global partitions and we were at the warehouse ready to get our guys out here and we heard a single shot we thought it was maybe a car or someone moving materials. We came around the bend to see what we saw and noticed there were two people running from the gunshot that we had heard and when they rent went arou
What they saw in America Alexis de tocqueville, max weber, g. K. Chesterton and sayyid qutb. I especially look forward to this discussion as dr. Nolans insights will help us wrap up a yearlong study at the Mcconnell Center on American Political Culture inspired by toekvilles democracy in america. He holds a masters in doctoral degrees from the university of virginia. His teaching and Research Interests fall within the general areas of law and society, culture, technology and social change and historical comparative sociology. He is the recipient of several grants and awards including the National Endowments for the humanities fellow ships and a full bright scholarship. We look forward to dr. Williams pardon, dr. Nolans engaging discussion this evening on dark strands and bright threads what they is a new america. Dr. Nolan has agreed to take questions from the audience following his remarks. Please wait for one of our mcconnell scholars to bring you the microphone when youre asking you
[ roll call ]. This is the recreation and Park Commission meeting of august 15, 2019. We welcome everyone here today and would ask that you please turn off Electronic Devices that may sound off during these proceedings. Please take any secondary conversations outside in order for the meeting to proceed as efficiently as possible. If you would like to speak on any item today, we request but do not require that you complete a blue card. Unless otherwise announced by the chair, each person will have 3 minutes for Public Comment on each item. Please address your comments to the commission during Public Comment. In order to allow equal time for all, neither the commission nor staff will respond during Public Comment. If there is an item of interest to you that is not on the agenda and under the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission, you may speak under general Public Comment and that is item 4. If the fire alarms evacuate, you must exit the building in an orderly fashion. Please not