The Backstory
I’m not ashamed of admitting I’m pretty Type A when it comes to organization. Our spice drawer is alphabetized; my shirts hang in color order in the closet; and books are situated on shelves according to genre. It makes life easier when you don’t have to waste time hunting for something. But when everyone including myself started binge-watching
Get Organized with the Home Edit (THE) on Netflix in September, even Little Miss Organized (that’s me) was inspired to dive into a big tidying up project, in part because I needed to feel like I had control over something in my life during this roller-coaster of a year. As a freelancer, work had felt even more precarious than usual, and the constant vigilance required to stay healthy during a global public health crisis was draining me mentally, emotionally, and physically. Plus, our townhome had transformed from a respite into a 24/7 office, restaurant, and gym. Even a small change might make it more tolerable.