that is a should be to everything republicans have fought for. one of the first things they did was deregulate the internet. peel back net neutrality. that s a pipeline issue, not a platform issue. the suggestion this president is going to try to regulate the content that is generated on a private company s search engine is truly shocking. the president s a government actor when he makes these criticisms and suggests that he will interject. he s not a private citizen. it should merit swift reaction from the hill. we have a situation where when you look, again, at the situation the president may be trying to distract from, which is the criticism over the way he handled the john mccain controversy, politico writes in the play book today, trump seems fully confident that his supporters haven t cared for mccain since 2008 when they concluded he was middle of the road republicans. in some ways trump s candidacy and presidency are a direct response to candidacies of
time he was running for president. sitting outdoors. brutally cold. waiting to get on the air. i looked over at him and he looked so cold and i said senator, are you okay, how are you doing. i know how cold it is out here. dead panned turned to me and said, god, i love arizona. it was just he was priceless. he was priceless in those moments. thank you for your coverage and knowledge. let s see if what we heard from his great friend lindsey graham will turn out to be as such that, you know, we all have a little bit of john mccain in all of us. see if it has any influence on the way politics is practiced by anyone in washington, d.c. thank you so much. we ll be right back. this is not a bed.
i m joined now by garrett haake on capitol hill. look, we have all known that lindsey graham and john mccain did a lot of things together. they were great friends and often the joint thorns in the side to pretty much anybody else who wasn t on their side. but that was that was something we don t often see from lindsey graham. reporter: no, that s really true, ali. i have seen more emotion like that on the senate floor in the last two days then in all the rest of the time i have been up here combined. so much of it, this outpouring of love from people who john mccain was not always on the same side with. and even when he was, he liked to give you a hard time. he used to joke about lindsey graham and call him his illegitimate son. the way mccain showed affection was sometimes with a sharp elbow, but it s part of the reason he has been so beloved up here across the political spectrum. and that ability to reach such a diverse group of americans with his own personna was one of the ot
i can do. don t look to me to replace this man. look to me to remember what he was all about and try to follow in his footsteps. if you want to help me, join the march. if you want to help the country. be more like john mccain. i believe there s a little john mccain in all of us. the little john mccain practiced by a lot of people can make this a really good nation. so my friend, you did good. you lived in the shadow and enforced our father and grandfather. you always worried would you disappoint. you did not. to cindy and the children. thank you for making me part of the clan. to team mccain, you taught me
i remember him supporting the surge when everybody was so tired in iraq and saw no way of getting forward. i remember the fighter. i remember the 2008 campaign when in 2007, john mccain was fifth in a four person race. written off as politic include dead. no money. straight talk express had no wheels. out of sheer determination after a visit to iraq where the general allowed him to talk in july to 600 people going to reenlist in a war they did not have to continue to fight and about equal number over there fighting for us has expedited service to citizenship. two empty chairs in the front were boots. and john asked what that was about. two didn t make it to ceremony, but they were given citizenship that day. i remember about 2,000 soldiers